Thursday, July 28, 2011

Do you believe in fairies

After yesterday I certainly do. Especially if it's the Fairy Hobmother

You're not familiar with the fairy Hobmother ? Well then let me tell you all about her (him to be more precise)
The fairy hobmother is from Appliances Online and flies around the blogosphere granting wishes to people who leave comments on posts like this one. My wish was granted (in the form of a $50 Amazon gift card) after recently leaving a comment on Missing Moments. Imagine my surprise when I received an email from the Fairy Hobmother (a.k.a. Alex Duthie) asking if I would like to accept his gift.
Now here is the best part. You too, have the chance to get a visit from the fairy hobmother just by leaving a comment here telling me what your wish is. Feel free to send your friends over too.


Sandee said...

1. World Peace
2. That Duke doesn't get sick again.
3. That I get to take many, many more cruises.
4. That hubby and I live a long and healthy life. So good so far.

Okay, I'm wishing for other things than you are expecting, but I can wish for what I want.

Have a terrific day and my best to Duke. :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Fun Fairy Hobmother. Wishing for a new refrigerator. Not a very elegant wish but I am tired of lining the shelves with towels to absorb moisture and having to change them a couple times each week.

Been searching Craigslist but just can't find the right size.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Ann! I think Missing Moments won her gift card at my place... I've already won prior but wanted to say how happy I am for you! Enjoy the gift. :-)

Louise said...

A $50 donation to Doctors Without Borders, for the starving people of Somalia, please.

Reena said...

Just want to tell you again congratulations Ann! I already won but want to wish everyone here good luck!

Chatty Crone said...

This is hard - I have so many things I need and want - but hate to ask.

So let's see - a Wal Mart Gift card - lol.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I didn't see her flying around this website, but take your word that she's there! I do like her polka dot dress and apron. But Missing Moments is FABULOUS!!!! I wish I could photograph as well as she does!

BeadedTail said...

Congratulations on your gift from the fairy hobmother! I would wish for a donation to Senior Dog Rescue of Oregon. Sadie is a senior dog so it always breaks my heart that other senior dogs don't have a furever home and this organization works really hard to help in our neck of the woods.

Anonymous said...

I don't get what this is all about??? The photos at "Missing Moments" are awesome. I certainly don't need any appliances (and really how far would $50 go?) so I guess I'll go along with everyone else and say a donation to an animal rescue group - how about Epic Farms?

marie said...

Dear Fairy Hobmother,
I wish for this cute little dress form that Pottery Barn has on their website. I was just drooling over her earlier today!

Have fun with your Amazon card ~ what fun!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Yes! I certainly do believe in Fairies!

My wish is for a new home (my camper is a 1971 model and is wearing out). I really would love to have this small but very cool house:

Congrats on your Gift Card!!!:-D)

Unknown said...

Well done Ann!!!!!

I wondered what was jumping about as I opened up your blog .. imagine opening it afte having a glass of sherry! LOL! 'What a jump-about fairy' I think that she's definitely been bitten by something.

booahboo said...

I believe there are fairies.. i know there are some in my garden.. just that i don't see them often.. hehehehe..

Congrats on you win! And if i can have one wish.. i'll wish my Dom will be well soon.

J. M. P. said...

What a nice surprise, congratulations!
Three weeks ago, when my father was still alive, I would have filled this comment with wishes dealing with his health. Maybe I would have wished some luck for my novella too, but it already found a publisher. Lots of things happened here this July, and I need some time to find new wishes. Anyway, it would be fine if fairies gave me inspiration to write the next book, and finding my soulmate would be great too.

Dr Sonia S V said...

Wow Ann what a cute idea this is! Ok I wish I am able to get my hands on a scallop or lattice punch some time soon!

Jen said...

Well you GO girl - congratulations! I wouldn't mind a VistaPrint gift certificate to use for Epic Farms; we're running low on some of our horsey handouts ;o)

Unknown said...

Oh, I think my comments are worth much more than that. If you don't believe me, just ask Duke! (Don't forget about all of the times that I have bugged her about cooking more bacon for you, my bestest buddy.)

Out on the prairie said...

Health and happiness for all those I have met and love.

Duni said...

What a lovely surprise, Ann! Congratulations!!! And I totally believe in the Fairy Hobmother :)
My wish is for people to become more compassionate, and to respect nature and animals.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i read everyone wishes and i want a new camera. don't understand about the fairy hobmother, the link goes to an appliance site, but as long a i am wishing i want a new canon rebel. glad you got your gift card, i would like that also

Daryl said...

Oh dear Fairy Hobmother .. I would love a new coffeemaker ...

a paper {life} said...

my wish is to end violence

vickie said...

Congrats Ann! How fun!

My wish ... health. Can't buy it though :*(

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

What fun! Is is supposed to be something we can actually get for the $50? If so, I wish for swim fins and goggles. If it's any wish at all, I wish I could afford to put a double-wide on the lot I own, for my son whose now in a junky single-wide. With new plumbing, electric and all that good safe stuff.

Marg said...

Wow that is great that you won. Of course I believe in fairies. I would wish for a donation to Brother Wolf shelter in Ashville, N.C. . What a great idea this is for someone to do. Take care.

Katie said...

Fun giveaway! I wish for my little one to sleep through the night. :)

DebbieM said...

I wish I may, I wish I might, wish for an SLR camera tonight, and if not an Amazon gift card would be just fine, I could put it towards a camera!!!

tahtimbo said...

Okay, here goes: My wish is for a new camera, so I can take some decent pictures. The one I have now is an old (7+ years) HP point and shoot.
Oh, and I also wish for whirled peas :)

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