Saturday, July 2, 2011

Trudy and other stuff

Just a few scenes from last weekend.
First up, I would like to introduce you to Trudy

Trudy travels

I was standing there watching this guy and the lady who the pottery wheel belonged to started talking to me. She was having a bit of an anxiety attack because she said she NEVER lets her wheel get this messy. He had that stuff everywhere. He had even wiped stripes of it under his eyes.

No monkey business here. Or is it?

Has anyone else had problems uploading pictures to blogger today? It took forever to upload these today.


Lin said...

Don't pottery wheels get dirty?? I would think they do.

Is that a stuffed monkey?

the booker man said...

miss ann,

now that's a travelin' band if i evarrr saw one!
i have the same question as miss lin...aren't pottery wheels supposed to get dirty??
happy 4th of july weekend!!

the booker man

Anonymous said... blogger problems recently. Great photos!

Rick (Ratty) said...

That combination of pictures makes it look like you must have had an extra fun time.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Great photo's and no trouble with blogger - have a great 4th of July!
Katie from

Dr Sonia S V said...

Interesting photos

Ginny Hartzler said...

Is that a real monkey? Is that a real calliope?? Wow, I would love to see one!

Unknown said...

A very interesting selection Ann ... do wish I could have heard the organ. It is an organ, isn't it? The pottery wheel reminded me of a delightful comedy called 'The Good Life' - leading characters Tom and Barbara who give up their jobs and decide to dig up their front and back garden in serberbia to live off the land. I couldn't find the clip where they take a course in pot throwing on a wheel but here is where they make some home-made wine:

Happy Weekend to you and yours!

jeanlivingsimple said...

You did have a cool weekend!!!
I haven't had any problems with Blogger today.

BeadedTail said...

Well those are things that we don't see around here! Looks like a fun event whatever it was!

I didn't have trouble with blogger earlier today but an Etsy teammate had trouble loading photos an hour ago.

john bain said...

I think pottery wheels should get messy. Much more fun being creative if you don't worry about a bit of untidiness.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

verrrryyy interesting my dear! i would love to see the organ grinder with the monkey. i did not have any problems uploading, but i did mine early, so late could mean there was a problem. the man looks like a little kid playing in mud pies. i used to love to make mud pies

Unknown said...

I hope Ms. Trudy never has to travel on I-80 in your fair state. That is, unless they have greatly improved road conditions since the last time I made a trip on it. For she would surely be shook into a million pieces.

Grampy said...

Great Pictures Ann. Sorry about the blogger problem. I heard someone else complain about it.

Marg said...

That looks like a very interesting visit you had. Trudy is very interesting. That clay person looks like they are making some good stuff. The monkey man is great too. Hope you have a great Sunday and a better Fourth of July.

Ann said...

Looks like a fun time - true Americana. No trouble with photos, but can't get to my dashboard from my homepage... always somethin'! Hope it will sort itself out soon.

Chatty Crone said...

Did you go to a fair? Lots of interesting things there. Haven't loaded any pictures yet - but with the 4th of July there is probably an internet surge.

Happy 4th.

booahboo said...

Trudy sure is a beautiful one! I've never seen one like it.

Urmm.. pottery wheels are supposed to be dirty ya? mebbe it just needs more water.. hehehehe...

lovely fair :) wish i could go. Hope you are having a lovely weekend Ann.

Anne said...

Trudy is so cool. Did you get to see her perform.

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