Saturday, August 13, 2011

All I need is time

If I had all the time in the world

I would frolic in the fountain of youth

Have a big bash for all my friends

And spend all of it with my best buddy by my side.

It's a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up.  ~J.K. Rowling, "The Hungarian Horntail," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000


Doris Sturm said...

Time - our most valued, non-renewable resource (so sad, but true!)

Gizzy says hello to his pal Duke and I want you to give him a scratch behind the ears for me, please! He's such an adorable boy :-)

Happy weekend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Time goes too fast ALL the time!! So are people invited to smash that car? LOVE the clock picture!

Carole Barkett said...

great thoughts

Erika said...

I wonder why that happens?

BeadedTail said...

Time always goes by way too fast to enjoy all the fun things in life. I haven't heard that quote before but it's true. Also when you dread something you lose the enjoyment of what's currently happening.

Anonymous said...

Love that first photo...

Chatty Crone said...

So why do things hurry up so fast - and how do we slow them down?

Unknown said...

Lovely post Ann! I think that Duke possibly has the right idea though. They say that to lose yourself in a snooze works better than the most expensive skin cream .... I think I'm with Duke .... a little bit of laze helps us through the days!! :)

Donna said...

That's are the truth!

Reena said...

Isn't that the truth ... love that last photo!

Duni said...

Oh yes, wish I had more time too. Beautiful photos!

john bain said...

This is a very enjoyable post Ann. My family are off on holiday for two weeks. I will miss them and hope that time flies. While they will be hoping it slows down.

Marg said...

Time does go way too fast. Duke you are looking good lying there thinking about your world. Great pictures. Hope you have a fantastic Sunday. Take care.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

U already know I LOVE the Duke shot! and i really really love the clock. it is beautiful and the sepia is perfect. what you would do sounds good to me.

Unknown said...

Quite moving--really!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Golden Hello! Just passing by to say Lots of Golden Thanks for your Barkday Wishes. my 10th Barkday was PAWSOME. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Dead line n more time ... is what my mom always working on. Golden Thanks for your email ... we will respond soon as we are asking for something else. Golden Woofs

Donna said...

You're a Muggle???Hahaaaa....
LOVE the photo of Duke!!!
Love all the shots!

Sheryl Hastings said...

I love that clock picture! I still have to play more with those textures I downloaded. I can't get mine to look like yours. My pictures end up all faded. I'll have to check out his tutorials.

booahboo said...

When you wanna slow things down.. time seems to run a wee bit faster.. hehehehe.. tat is quite true here too. I kinda like the car bashing thing... its good to release some pent-up energy.. *LOL*

the mono shot of Duke is very pretty :) iLike!

Donna said...

Your pooch is the PERFECT model! What a sidekick! And I love the texture treatment you did on the first photo - spectacular!

I hear you on the "busy" part. Since I tasted sweet retirement, it is incredibly hard to get back into the working routine. Though I've been working pretty much non-stop for over a year now, I still haven't adjusted. I don't know how I got everything done when I was younger because everything sure isn't getting done now! LOL, such is life. You trade your soul and time for a little moola... {{{{hugs}}}}

Bossy Betty said...

I get it!!! Time goes by so quickly.

Love that last picture of Duke!

Tanyia said...

great pics, love the clock!

gayle said...

Time goes by way to fast except when you want it to the most!
As alwasy love your pictures!

Tammy said...

When I was young I didn't believe it when my mom and dad would say how fast time went by. Things would take forever. Now that I'm older and a mom time truly flies.

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