Thursday, August 25, 2011

Spread too thin

It's possible that you may have noticed I seem to be spreading myself a bit too thin lately. Between working full time, trying to get ready for the craft show, blogging and everyday things, something had to give. The only thing that's been getting my full attention lately is my job. Once I'm done for the day I only have so much time left and I haven't had the ambition or energy to do all the other things I need to do. So here I sit with tons of projects that need to be worked on, a house that looks like a tornado hit, a dog who wants a walk, a blog that needs posted on and other blogs that need read.
Today I have to show you something that one of the girls at work made. She brought it in to show me and it is so cute I told her I needed a picture of it and it was going to be my blog post for tonight.
I'm going to have to get the pattern from her and give these a try when I have time. I love them.

Not sure if I'll be around tonight or not. I'm going to try and get some crafting done and if there's time left over I'll squeeze in some blog reading. I will eventually catch up with all of you though


Anonymous said...

They look so in love! Love these!!

Sandee said...

Those are so cute. I love them too. You need to not worry about blogging and focus on the craft show. After the show is over you can blog again. Just saying.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. If I were closer I'd take him for a walk. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are just adorable!! Chill out, it will all work out!

Chatty Crone said...

I hope your time gets better and those turtles are adorable!

BeadedTail said...

Those are very cute! Hope you enjoy your crafting tonight!

booahboo said...

These are adorable!! If you can make them.. it will do great at the craft show. One of my friends did this knitting of really small animals.. and she's really good. She can do Angry Birds too and those were a hit!

But you know there's only so much that one can do in a day. Take it easy too Ann.

Reeni said...

Those are sweet! I understand about being spread too thin!

Anonymous said...

I want them!

Doris Sturm said...

Oh, those turtles are adorable...I know exactly what you mean about time running out. I do not work anymore and still don't have time to visit everyone and read and blog every day - it's just too overwhelming sometimes...I don't like sitting in front of the computer all day just trying to barely catch up with everyone because then the next day it starts all over again. Meanwhile, Gizzy and I are getting older and our time is gone forever...I'm really starting to think about that cuz he'll be 14 on Nov. 1st and I'm pushing 60. It makes me want to cry because inside I feel like I stayed young and my body's falling apart all around me. It's really sort of a cruel joke, but that's life!
Hang in there kiddo and give your cute little Duke a belly rub and scratch behind the ears for me.
With Love,
Doris and Gizzy!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Sweet Ann.... Don't feel as if you need to continue blogging right now... Just take a break--until after the craft show. We all need breaks at one time or another.... Good Luck!!!!

Cute little guys.... Love them!

Carole Barkett said...

no problem, I know that feeling, it's why I quit blogging for a while. Love these little turtles

Pat said...

Oh these are so very cute!

And I agree with Sandee.. on the concentrate on the craft show above blogging. You'll get back here after xx

Unknown said...

Unlike the rest of the "nice" people here, and I am most certainly not going to tell you that it's all-right. Hey, I'M LONELY!!! So, hurry up and get your cute little tookis over here for a visit! (You did say that Duke needed to go for a walk--didn't you?)

Jen said...

Oh how adorable! This is why I only post once a week; just not enough hours in the day sistafriend...

Duni said...

SWEET! little Amigurumi turtles :))

john bain said...

My life is full of projects. Most of them are unfinished, and I sometimes have the sinking feeling that they never will be. I'm learning to live with it though.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

do what you have to do, bloggers will wait until things slow down for you. these are really cute, but don't start on making them now, wait until cold weather keeps you inside and AFTER the craft show.

Catherine said...

I hear ya' sister! Darn ~ if only a person didn't have to work ~ wouldn't we have lots of time then!! :)

Have a Happy Weekend Ann!
xo Catherine

Karen said...

We will be here! Try posting once a week. I love those turtles!

Sheryl Hastings said...

I'm so glad you finally noticed! Perhaps now you can finally find some time to sit down and relax, recharge your batteries, SNUGGLE DUKE (Bubba! get away from the keyboard!)

Those turtles are too cute. I love turtles!

Donna said...

Miz Ann!
Take a week OFF from Blogging! We'll all be here when you get back and you'll feel SO much better! But we want Pictures!!Hahaaa

Sharkbytes said...

Those are cute! There are tons of free patterns for little critters out there. some good, some not so much. I've thought about doing some too. Do they sell?

Lin said...

I'm feeling the same way--overwhelmed. I really only have one more month of my co-worker being on maternity leave and then I can go back to less hours and responsibility at work. I can't WAIT! My poor blog and visiting my blogroll is suffering too. :(

Joanne Olivieri said...

Oh, these two are adorable.

Marg said...

Those turtles are really really cute. What a good job she did on them. Wish I could do stuff like that or had the patience to do it. Take care.

tahtimbo said...

Those are so great! I know my wife would love those.
Take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself.
Have a great, stress-free weekend :)

Donna said...

Slow down! You don't have to blog every day! A hello a time or two during the week would suffice.

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