Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 6 -Bummer

Can you believe I'm up to day 6 already? It's a good thing I got off to a good start because I sure have gone down hill since Tuesday.
This morning I took the quilling stuff out on the deck and sat down to do some work. Wasn't in to it so I went to the shed and got a shovel. I've been wanting to dig up the flower bed on the side of my house and this morning was a good time to do it.
This first picture is going to need some explanation
See those roots right there at the corner of the house, right above the green arrow. That was a tree or something that has been growing right where the yellow arrow is pointing to.  I started to dig up the flower bed and all I wanted to do was to get my braided hibiscus in the ground. Yeah, I know, I should have done that a long time ago. So I dig up the spot I want to plant it but then I decide to dig up all the way to the end and pull out anything and everything that is growing there. That included that tree thing. I didn't realize how thick of a trunk it had on it. The roots ran under that piece of wood landscape timber (red circle in the picture)  Where it's at now is as far as I could get with it. I'm sure Wade will just go out and chop it off right where it's at and be done with it. His solution in the past and it keeps growing back which is why it was so darn big.

So finished that project and headed inside for a shower. Next order of business was Duke's appointment with the groomer.

He looks so much better and he's pretty happy about losing all that hair he had on him. Just for fun I turned the above picture into a painting.

While Duke was at the groomer I did manage to put together three Scottie dogs. 
Duke's says there is no such thing as a Scottie dog. He says it's a Westie with a negative attitude. He's so goofy.

Only two more days before it's back to work. I hope I can get a little more finished before Monday. Hope everyone is off to a good start on their weekend.


BeadedTail said...

Duke is so handsome with his new haircut! He does look very happy!

It's frustrating when roots get in the way! We've had issues with that before and it always makes me wonder what do people find so relaxing about gardening! I'm just not meant to play in the dirt I guess.

The Scotties are so cute! You've got those tails pegged!

Anonymous said...

Had to laugh at Sharla's remark - I don't see the gardening thing as relaxing either - just a lot of hard dirty work...Nice affect on the photo...

Molly Smith said...

Thanks for the graphic with circles and arrows. I do that too, I'm visual :) Ugh re the roots growing sideways. Duke is precious, love the painting effect. And your quilled Scotties are perfect!

Have a great weekend, Ann! hugs xo

Ginny Hartzler said...

The three scotties are adorable!! But not as cute as Duke. Man, they did an awesome job at the groomers!! Don't know which I like best, the photo or the painting.

Erika said...

Duke is gorgeous!
And I like what he said about Scotties:) Smart dog.

Chatty Crone said...

I love Duke's new hair cut - what a handsome man you have there.

And can you say ADD? Just kidding.

Love your new Scotties.

Donna said...

Mr. Duke sure is a cutie pie!

Duni said...

Duke looks adorable! Love that red bandana on him :)
I love those Scotties - so cute!
As for gardening, I leave the "hard" stuff to my hubby :)

Pat said...

Roots! They can make gardening a chore if the people who plant don't consider the root spread!
Feel for you having to find that - but at least it wasn't a cherry tree - those roots go on forever!

Duke looks stunning after his trim! xx

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you hubby is like mine, that is exactly what he would do, just chop it down to the ground and in a years time it is right back where it started from. good for you for doing manual labor without pay. did you get the braided hibiscus in the ground or give out before that.
duke looks soooooo handsome with his new trim. I love the painting, for some reason the scarf he has on shows up more in the painting. happy days until Monday, keep on quilling. did you decide what to stand with the cat?

Marg said...

Oh Duke, you look so good all trimmed up. What great pictures of you. Love the Scotties. Duke, you are just jealous cause you are not black. Maybe Mom could make a black and white doggie and then it could be both Scotty and Duke. Take care and enjoy some of your days left.

Out on the prairie said...

Digging up a tree is tough work. I have done many, and at times wondering if I would survive.

Donna said...

Sorry I'm late this week! Office mgr was off on Vacation and Crystal and I ran the front...Uggggg....I'm Pooped!

LOVE Dukes "do"!!! Handsome fellow!!

And, when you try to sneak in to work to collect paychecks, they Always stop you!!Hahaaaa....
You're a Good Joe!!!

Philippa said...

Your scotties are gorgeous - what a shame you'll have to take those coloured pins out, as they look great too! Maybe the dogs could have some little coloured collars on them?

Sheryl Hastings said...

I love what you've done with Duke's picture. I really have to learn how to do that. Looks like fancy artwork.

Your little dogs came out so cute. This week did go by fast didn't it?

a paper {life} said...

Duke has been to the the haircut Duke.

Love the negative attitude cute it could go on a card. The Scotties are adorable.

Unknown said...

It would probably be redundant to say that Duke looks as pretty as a picture--won't it? Oh, sorry, that should have been that he looks as handsome as a picture.

P.S.: It is good for you women-folk to go digging in the dirt from time to time. For it should make you appreciate us manly men a lot more. That is, as long as you have supper on the table on time, of course.

Katherine said...

We have so many roots that our driveway is starting to get VERY high... ughhhhh! I can so relate!!

LOVE your doggies... and your OWN dog is BEAUTIFUL!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, Love that painting... You should frame that and put that in the sale.... SO precious...

Love your new little doggies.

Sandee said...

Yikes on that root system.

Duke looks amazing. I just might have to steal one of those shots for an Awww...Mondays post.

Have a terrific day. My best to handsome Duke. :)

Dr Sonia S V said...

Ann do frame the black doggies-- they are so adorable and I am sure you will be able to get many customers to buy it too-- it is so adorable!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Hard to say who is better groomed... the lovely white Duke, or the black shadows. What fun!

marie said...

Duke looks good as a painting! Course he looks good anyway!

Love the Scottie Dogs!

Catherine said...

Duke is one sharp looking pup! :)
xo Catherine

vickie said...

Ughh! Gardening is hard work.

Duke is always handsome, no matter what you do.

Lovin' the quilled Scotties (sorry Duke)

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