Tuesday, August 16, 2011

So help me God

I'm going to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That's just the kind of dog I am you know.
The truth about me is that I like to bark. I like to bark A LOT. I bark at people going by, the UPS truck, funny noises, and anything else. I just like to bark. One day I barked so much that mom said she would get me a special collar just for barking. She never made good on that promise though. I never did get any special collar. It's OK though, I can bark just as well in my every day collar.

The truth about mom is that when she first found out she was going to do that whole craft show thing, she wrote a list of all the things she wanted to make and how many of each. Well she hasn't been very focused on getting things done. Now she only has 24 days left and she's starting to think she's not going to reach her goals. She decided to set mini goals for herself. I'm shutting her off of the blog reading until she does at least a little bit every night. If she doesn't come around to see you you'll know that I have her under tight supervision.

The truth about our blog friends is that we love you guys.


Julie Harward said...

LOL Way to go Duke..keep her nose to that craft table! ;D

Catherine said...

Good boy Duke! You make sure mom achieves her goals. We look forward to her results. xo Catherine

Sandee said...

Just bark at her Duke and she'll know she had better get to work on those projects. Yes, the show will be here before you know it and he won't have what she needs. You are so smart Duke.

Have a great day. My best to your mom. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Your doing what I told you - keep her in line - you're doing a great job!

john bain said...

Hey Duke, I have done todays blog too. Love from Sadie.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Goals are for humans... but you seem to get the concept, Duke. She will be missed.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think your mom will do just fine under your supervision, my bright eyed friend!!!

booahboo said...

It is okay Duke.. tell your momma that she can do the craft thingy first without feeling guilty about the blog :) you are right about the supervision.. watch the woman and make sure she does her work and don't let her near the puters.

hmmm... a bark collar eh?

Erika said...

Duke, I am glad you are there to keep tight control over the situation. Bark when ever things get out of hand--or rather, when your mom does not have anything in hand!:)

BeadedTail said...

Duke, we're glad you are snoopervising your mom with her crafty goodies! You make sure she doesn't slack off so she's ready for that craft show! Remember, the more she sells, the more green papers she gets and the more treats you get!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Ann, Did the other person you were going to work with on the craft fair back out???? Holy Cow---no wonder you are THAT busy... Glad Duke can help you with your blog.

Pat said...

you are pawsitively the best help anyone could wish for, Duke. Bark on! :)

Jen said...

I have great faith that you will help keep her straight, Duke. I would suggest, however, that you may want to cut down a bit on the barking (probably kinda tough on your mom to concentrate on her work with you yammering away, dont'cha know ;o)

Marg said...

Good boy Duke for keeping your Mom in line. You just give her a message for us and that is we do not want to see her at our blog until the crafty stuff is done. We want her to do really well in that. We will still visit here though. Stay on her case Duke. You are so darn cute. Take care.

Unknown said...

Perhaps getting a shock-collar for your mommy wouldn't be a bad idea? I'm sure they make them in her size, and I think they come in many different fashionable designs and colors, which might make her feel better about it. However, you must be firm with her, and emphasize the fact that resistance is futile.

Daisy said...

Barking is cool. I wish I could bark, too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well, Duke my man, my truth for the day is, any day with a photo of you, makes my day. you are just so darn cute. but i must say barking makes me crazy. baby girl barks at anything that walks in or past our yard. i have threatened her with removing her barker box, what ever that might be. she is a lot bigger than you and her bark is LOUD... Jake does not bark, he just hunts lizards. you keep mommy under control

Dr Sonia S V said...

All the best on your crafting Ann and its ok if you dont drop in for a while or reply to this comment as what else are friends for but to understand !

Sheryl Hastings said...

He Duke. I like to bark too. Did you know that when something is in the toaster I like to bark and growl at the heating vent in the dining room. My mom has no idea why I like to do this but I think it's funny how it confuses her. She said that I'm a wierd dog.

Tell your mom that she will reach her goals. Mini goals are best and easiest to reach.

Your friend, Bubba

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Bossy Betty said...

Duke! Keep barking at her until she gets done! That's how I get people to do things around here!

Donna said...

Get 'Er Duke!! She's on a schedule! Make her work!
Tell Mommy that After her show, she needs to post a video of you Barking! ;o)

Anne said...

We love you too Duke. I think you left out the most important part about your barking. I am sure you do it to warn your mom that there are strangers out there.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Atta boy Duke, I like the way you take control and Bark Away!!!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Woof...Woof...good doggy.:-D)

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