Friday, August 26, 2011

Here a mess, there a mess

Everywhere a mess mess

I tried. I really did try to keep the mess down. At first I was very good about putting things away as I went along. Somewhere along the line things went terribly wrong. The above messes aren't even all of them. I couldn't take it any longer and had to clean some of them up last night.

I thought these were finished. Now that I have them together they just look like they need something else but I don't know what.


Sheryl Hastings said...

I'm tired just looking at everything you've made! Everything looks great and a creative mess is a good mess!

Tanyia said...

how about a few crinkled green pieces sticking up for grass? Looking good, who cares about the mess lol

Helen said...

What a coincident! you are not alone. I couldn't stand my mess any longer and had to clean up this morning also.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The mess was definitely worth it!!!

Ann said...

How about a quilled spider crawling along in front of the pumpkin? Just an idea, but it looks fine the way it is.

Lin said...

But you have to make a mess when you are creating!! You can always clean up when you are done.

Me--I can't wait for a kid to move out so I have a craft room. Did I just write that????!

Erika said...

My husband wishes I would clean my mess. Why is it that when the creative juices are flowing so does the mess? I get to where I cannot stand it and then practically throw everything back into its place; and then wonder how I ever let it get out place in the first place.

But doesn't it secretly feel good deep down inside that you have done so much?:)

Chatty Crone said...

It is a beautiful mess! You did good kid - is it next week? You will have to let us know what happens! I love the pumpkin and tree!

Anonymous said...

How about a little owl in the tree? that side needs a little brightening up...

Rick (Ratty) said...

That's a much cleaner mess than my messes. Maybe in that last picture it could use a little creature in front. Maybe that's why you think it's unfinished.

marie said...

Looks like a whole lot of productivity has been going on! Yay you!

I like the idea of a creature added to your cute pumpkin scene...the owl, spider, black cat or bat maybe.

BeadedTail said...

But it's a creative mess which is a good mess! It looks like you got a lot done though. That pumpkin scene needs a little color of some sort on the tree side like maybe yellow or orange leaves or something. I love the pumpkin!

Joanne Olivieri said...

That is so cute and I don't think it needs anything. Love it. Also, if there weren't a mess it would mean you were doing nothing. It's a messy desk/work area that shows just how creative you are :)

Dr Sonia S V said...

At least you had the courage to photograph the mess-- mine is that way nearly 90 % of the time!

The pumpkin looks goo-- add some green vines to balance out the colors.


jeanlivingsimple said... have an "organized" mess. I can't relate.:)

Add some dried grass (at different heights) to the base. An Owl or Bat perched in the tree would be cool.

Pat said...

A creative mess is a good mess!

I like the idea of adding a little grass - or how about a ladybird?

Unknown said...

Well, if those are pictures of a mess, we are living in a garbage dump. Okay, yeah, your pumpkin is really cute. Happy?

Marg said...

Who gives a darn about the mess.I wouldn't worry about it until after the craft show. Besides, how will you find anything if you clean it all up. I like the pumpkin, but I have to agree maybe something a little green around the pumpkin. But it all looks terrific. Take care.

Duni said...

I'm loving all your new creations!
And I also wanted to thank you for taking the time to answer my question about the foam. I want to try that for a project. Thanks, Ann!

Donna said...

Hummmm...maybe a little something to lay on the base between the pumpkin and the tree? No clue, but it's pretty!
It'll all come together for you...Try to get some rest!

Catherine said...

Mess and Creativeness go together. It's a must!

The pumpkin looks adorable with the little fence and tree. Perhaps a little bit of green grass or a nice black cat to go along with it?? :)

xo Catherine

Philippa said...

Mess? Maybe, but just look how much you have achieved! How about a little colourful quilled snail to crawl along the ground in front of the pumpkin?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think a small black cat would be nice with the pumpkin. that is a LOT of crafty crafts you have there, i know you will be glad when the time is here. looks like you are just about prepared to me.

Sandee said...

The craft show will be over before you know it and things will get back to normal. Right? I'm sure of it.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Out on the prairie said...

I thought there was a homey feeling to this all.I have shared my messy pics with you so you know I am never really fully organized.My housekeeper took the weekend off so she will be in for some work when she returns.

On the chip scene, Lily likes Pringles best, and they are easier to take along.

tahtimbo said...

Compared to our house, that's clean :)
The only thing I might add is a tiny animal or maybe a mouse?? But, I'm not a creative type.

Sharkbytes said...

A little ghost peeking around the tree! That mess is a clean mess... You should see my filthy mess. No, wait, you shouldn't.

Doris Sturm said...

I wouldn't necessarily call it a mess, but a very busy crafty lady getting ready for the fair --- look at all the stuff you've made so far. You're really making progress. When is the fair?

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