Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 3 - pieces, parts

Gather round my loyal friends. It's time for me to fess up about my progress for the day.
Very little was completed today, as in ready to be sold. However, I did accomplish quite a bit.
This was a pieces parts day. Several pieces and parts were completed and are awaiting finally assembly.
First starting at the top left corner and moving clockwise:
cans are covered, sprayed with sealer and drying
mixed up some more faux dirt and applied to the cardboard circles, also drying
leaves made ready to attach to flowers
stems attached to flowers

Next we have 3 more tags. I didn't mention this yesterday but if they look a little "dirty" it's because after I glued the two pieces together I stained them with a wet (used) coffee filter.

Moving right along, a new idea for the necklaces. I am really not enjoying working with chain. I decided yesterday to try something different. I had some black crochet nylon laying around so I made my own chains. All I did was chain until I got the length I wanted (roughly 115 chains using a size f crochet hook). I don't know about you, but I really like the way it looks.

Apparently my list of things to make wasn't long enough. I purchased some wood frames for $1.00 each. Here they are with the first coat of paint, waiting to dry.
Finally, I did 4 more magnets today but I forgot to take a picture. Some of you had asked how I was doing those. I purchased magnetic photo sleeves from the dollar store. On a 4 x 6 piece of photo paper I'm printing out 2 copies of the picture. Then I trim the pictures and slide them in the sleeve.

I'm still feeling a bit ambitious and I plan on going out with Amanda tomorrow so I may work on some more things tonight. I doubt that tomorrow will be a very crafty day.


Sandee said...

But you are moving right along. That's the ticket. I think you are doing very well. You have to do all the pieces before you can put things together. Just saying.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke who I'm sure is helping. :)

Chatty Crone said...

I think you did a great job - they are all beautiful - I never thought about staining with an old coffee filter - are you sure you want to go out tomorrow and not work on your crafts - hey just kidding.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You DID get a lot done!! And the black crochet chain is beautiful, it is really another piece of separate artwork!

Rick (Ratty) said...

It looks to me like you got quite a bit done. That's more work than I could ever do in a day.

Reeni said...

You got a lot done! You're so crafty. I love the chain you made too!

Anonymous said...

The new crochet "chains" are quite elegant. One day of making the parts, then one day of putting them together makes perfect sense - especially when there is drying time involved.

Enjoy a fun day with Amanda! It IS supposed to be your vacation.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Another Crafty day ANN. Golden Thanks for the magnet explanation. Now we have a ? regarding the "circles" template. Is that a set one or you made it? Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

Well Ann you have had another astonishing day and are putting the rest of us to shame for it's amazing quite how many things you are managing to create.

I have a little suggestion for you to think about. I think that like Britain the US uses red poppies for remembrance of soldiers past that have given their life for their country. I was thinking it would be wonderful to see some scarlet poppies made with quilling perhaps as a picture or as brooches, etc ..
But then I am being a little naughty for I shouldn't make such suggestions.

Erika said...

You did a lot today!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---I've caught up with your blog posts---and I'm so proud of you... You are doing GREAT this week.... Hope you are enjoying it!!!!! Hope this will be a good 'vacation week' for you.


BeadedTail said...

I think you accomplished a lot today! I really like your new chains! Have fun with Amanda tomorrow!

Reena said...

All in one day??? Amazing!

booahboo said...

wow.. someone's in a very creative mood :) must be the hot summers!

Duni said...

You are so lucky to be able to work outdoors! And you've made LOTS of progress in one day!

Unknown said...

Back when I making some picture frames and poster boards, I used a four-plait braid similar to what is shown in the video I have left a link to. I mostly made the hangers out of hay-baling twine, which is much smaller than the para-cord shown in the video. They would turn-out round, with a cool looking pattern when I used two different colors.


Out on the prairie said...

More lovely additions. You are so busy I feel I should be getting busier.NOT! I liked this laid back life. Waiting for a call to go kayak.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sure looks like you accomplished a lot. now it will be easy smeesy to put together. love the crochet necklace rope.
waiting to see what you will do to the frames.

a paper {life} said...

I like to get all the 'bits' ready first too but it does seem like you aren't getting anything done. But then you go to assemble and it comes together really quickly and makes getting the 'bits' ready worth it.

I am doing the same with my nativities....I have bodies and heads galore but no completed sets. But I know it will come.

Can't wait to see how you do at the sale.

Philippa said...

Love the crochet chain. And the production line looks very productive indeed!

Bossy Betty said...

I think you are doing great! Lots of prep work today!

Donna said...

Don't Kid yourself!!
You've been BUSY

Anne said...

I am so impressed! I absolutely love the chain you made. It is beautiful and looks even more crafty than a metal chain.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Wow, you are getting so much accomplished and I always am envious of creative types like you who can create beautiful things. Those necklaces are awesome.

gayle said...

Love all of these!

Catherine said...

It still looks like you were progressing nicely to me!
xo Catherine

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