Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Got 2 bits?

Today I have my favorite to show you from thunder in the city. This wasn't necessarily my favorite vehicle from the show but it was by far the most creative presentation and I just loved it.

Did you read the side of the truck? It says Feeling Lucky Hotrod Bootleggers. Notice what's in the bed. Here's a closer look.

Lets go around to the other side.
Like I said, creative presentation.
So being back at work is wearing me out so far. I'm going to finish writing this, answer my emails and then I'm going to go vegetate in front of the tv for a while. I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow.


Out on the prairie said...

Watch sipping that stuff, it will give you a headache.Diet Pepsi is good for me.Glad you survived a 1st day back!

Sandee said...

I've had some moonshine before. Wow, it's powerful stuff and I only had a sip. I'll pass, but I agree that the presentation is excellent.

Have a terrific evening resting in from of the television. My best to Duke. :)

BeadedTail said...

That is a great presentation! I went back and looked at yesterday's post since I missed it and what a great car and bike show! It's great to see an old car in original condition too. Loved the conversation with your co-worker!

Marg said...

Goodness, wouldn't it be fun to have a little sip. Love that truck. It is terrific. Nothing better than the old cars and trucks. Hope you get some down time. Take care.

Chatty Crone said...

Hard to get back to work after a week off!

john bain said...

Reckon that poor old crow has been on the moonshine. I tried some Irish Pocheen once. Never again!
Not sure how to spell Pocheen. :-)

Catherine said...

That is a fun one! Love the little tin cup on the side. For a quick drink I suspect. :)
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

Love the old cars - they look so fat and sturdy...

Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE this! And there is not much better than vegging in front of the T.V. for some mindless entertainment. Maybe even with a little of what's in that truck!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute one, Ann. Did you know that I've heard that they still make moonshine in dem dar hills and hollers in Tennersee??????????? ha ha

Rick (Ratty) said...

Excellent pictures. I love the watch crow.

Julie Harward said...

How fun, I love to go to these things and the trucks are always my favorite, I crave one! ;D

Jen said...

How funny. Some great pictures (I'm playing catch up too :o) I loved your craft show stuff - it's terrific!

Unknown said...

And it's a Chevy, too!

Donna said...

Cool truck Ann! I need a sip myself!
I am SO WITH YOU about vegging out on the couch...It's 8:02AM and I'm already READY to do just that!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ok did you get a sip??? love the truck and the 2 bits bird... great shots

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ok did you get a sip??? love the truck and the 2 bits bird... great shots

Reena said...

Not sure about that crow!

Tammy said...

Fun truck :)

vickie said...

hahaha! Yes, very creative. I like it!

marie said...

VERY creative presentation!!! I need to remember this one.

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