Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 2, bouncing right through

Are you ready for my progress of the day? I had decided that I would go through the day the way I would if I was actually at work. I began at my usual starting time. OK, I was 5 minutes late. I had emails to catch up with first. I planned on taking breaks at the same time I normally do at work.
My scruffy looking little puppy appointed himself the time keeper. He is going to the groomer on Friday, by the way.

One hour in to my day I hear him barking at the basement door. That means he needs to go outside. Or so I thought. When I got to the basement, he was standing at the foot of the stairs with a toy in his mouth.  Apparently first break was going to come a little early today.
Yesterday I said that I wasn't completely satisfied with the flowers in the can. They just didn't look like they were done to me. An idea hit me and I finished off the three from yesterday and did one more. Now I'm satisfied.

I also finished four more necklaces.

Made four cards.

and six more magnets. (The magnets are stuck on a metal sign if you are wondering what that is behind them. I wasn't going for perfect photos today)
I worked on one thing until I got bored or frustrated then I went on to something else. I bounced back and forth between the four projects until about 1:00 and then I called it a day.
The pictures aren't as good as they could be but it was rainy this morning, and windy this afternoon. I had to take these inside and the lighting really stinks. To make matters worse I took them in that awful red room that I haven't painted yet. Oh well. That's my progress for the day.


DebbieM said...

Awesome, Ann, they look great. You've been busy. I love the little sayings on the pots, so cute. You are so much ahead of me on the making of crafts, I haven't begun my mugs yet. What a procrastinator I am! I'll be working on them beginning this coming weekend I do believe.

Julie Harward said...

Lovely work, everything looks great! Now, go throw that toy! ;D

Catherine said...

I am thinking you made very good progress Ann! Those little flowers and pots look perfect!
xo Catherine

Sandee said...

A very good second day Ann. I love them all and especially the beautiful magnets. Very well done for day two.

Have a terrific evening. My best to Duke. :)

Your Daily Cute said...

I love the flowers! (Came over from Daisy's blogroll, by the way.)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Great day 2! I love the cards!

Erika said...

Yes! The tags really added to the cans.
How far away are you? I know I would love to see your booth.

Helen said...

Wow, you did all that in just a few hours! I love the sunflower cans. I saved some empty chip cans. I might borrow your idea. Did you write the sentiments; they look really cute.

Sheryl Hastings said...

I first fell in love with your owl, then your necklaces, and now, those flowers in the cans are adorable and I love the little signs that hang from them. Don't forget to take pictures of your table. I can't wait to see it all come together. I'm afraid though that your table will be bare in no time. Beautiful work!!!

BeadedTail said...

The tags are perfect! You made a lot of progress today which I find amazing since cute little Duke would have distracted me all day!

booahboo said...

That's quite a lot of progress for a half a day :) Love the fridge magnets.

Unknown said...

Oh Ann ... you have been busy and what a lovely selection. The pendants have come out beautifully - you must be so pleased with how they look. Love the cards ... going to be a little bit cheeky now and ask is the writing on the bottom printed or is it freehand (pen and ink).

A little howdy-do-dee to Duke!!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! WOW crafty ANN. We love it. ? The photos on the magnets are just lovely ... How/What did you use to print it? Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

The necklaces are marvelous! Everything you are doing is SUPAH!!!

Yes, I want to know how you make the magnets too!

Chatty Crone said...

You did good today - keep it up!

Bossy Betty said...

Great progress! Yay!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You go, girl!!! This is great stuff, and lots of it!! I told you that you would really get down to business. Plus you have all of us to keep you on the straight and narrow! I love those magnets, and the necklaces are awesome!

Unknown said...

Don't you know that scruffy is the new well-groomed? Maybe you didn't get the memo. Oh yeah, your progress is proceeding.

Marg said...

The pots are especially good. Wow, you did get busy. Time for a day off now. Duke is looking good too and happy to have you home. Love all your stuff. Have a great day.

john bain said...

You are supposed to be having a break!

Philippa said...

Looking good, Ann - you're on a roll!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am patting you on the back, can you feel it, Good Girl! you did a great job. I love the tags on the canned flowers. the cards are really pretty and you know i like the necklaces. all in all you had a great day. so what did you do AFTER 1 pm? play with Duke? tell him I think he looks good with his impersonation of "shaggy dog".

Duni said...

Your work is amazing, Ann. I love it! And those tags on the flowerpots add a sweet finishing touch. I LOVE the one that says "sew seeds of kindness".
Hugs to Duke :) He must be so happy you're home!

Out on the prairie said...

Wondered if you used the magnet paper to make your magnets. All very nice!!!!

Donna said...

Oh! That is Perfect! Great final touch....
Love all the doo-dads Girl!

Doris Sturm said...

Your work looks lovely - at this rate you'll have a nice inventory for your Arts and Crafts show!

Have a blessed day and hug little Duke for me. Gizzy looks like he needs a trim too ;-)

Beebeebabs said...

Wow wow wow tfs!!!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

All your creations are pretty darn cool! You are so creative and you make things look so easy to do, but I know they are not!

Happy creating ... Katie from

Sharkbytes said...

I really like the cans with the tags now, and I think the crocheted chains look better with the wood disks- same as you do!

What can you charge for things like this?

marie said...

I love the little tags on the flower pots....perfect!!

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