Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 5 - losing momentum

Oh my I'm getting tired. Oh wait, that's not right. What I mean to say is I'm getting tires. More precisely I got tires this morning.

No, those are not the tires I bought. When I went to pick the car up these were sitting behind it. I asked the guy if they were the ones he took off my car. His reply was "Yep, I would say you got your money's worth out of those two" I told him I had to take a picture of them to show Wade.
While I was waiting for the car, I walked down to the store I work at. I needed to pick up my check and do my weekly order. Um, yeah, I do silly things like that and don't get paid to do it. It was either that or go back to work and run out of everything because no one else will do the order for me. So anyway, while I'm there the owner sees me. Seems someone took a cake order and there's only one other person that can do cakes. They can't get a hold of that one other person. He asked me if I would punch in and do the cake. I had time to kill and that would mean that I would also get paid for doing my order so sure, I'll suck up an hour of payroll.

Oh, you want to know what I got done in the craft department today don't you? Well, not much.
I put together 3 more of the sunflowers. That would be the ones I did all the parts for the other day.
I finished one more Westie
Then I did some playing around and figured out how I wanted to do a cat.
I was thinking of Hobbes when I did this one but I don't believe his stripes go in that direction. Ah well, this was just my test anyway. I'll be doing some in various colors. Now what to put next to a cat? I was thinking another bowl and maybe a fish skeleton :)


Out on the prairie said...

Thought of you while in a Hobby Lobby today.

Sandee said...

Well you got your check and an hour of pay too. Good for you. Looks like you are indispensable. That's good and sometimes not so much.

I like the cat and boy did you need some new tires. Yikes girlfriend.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Anonymous said...

Pretty kitty and I like the fish bone idea.

Chatty Crone said...

I love your cat! He needs ten more cats to go with him - lol.

BeadedTail said...

The kitty does look like Hobbes! So cute! Once you're done getting ready for the show, I might have to put an order in for a kitty! Glad you got paid for the time to do the cake. And yep, you sure got all the goody out of those tires! (Isn't that what DW says?)

jeanlivingsimple said...

The store you work at is lucky to have you!
I like the kitty.:)

Anonymous said...

Oh God, I love the cat! A fish skeleton sounds fun - a mousie would work too!

Ginny Hartzler said...

But it must be a mouse, of course!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, Cute Cat!!!!!! Love it!

Glad you got new tires... You did get your money's worth out of the old ones for sure!!!!!


Rick (Ratty) said...

That first picture reminds me of something I have to take care of in my shed. I keep too much stuff.

Reena said...

Love the kitty ... but the tire photo is great!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Such a super cute creation. Good company for the scottie you created earlier

Pat said...

Cute cat! And I'd say a mouse too :) xx

Sheryl Hastings said...

Whew! When you said you got ne tires and I saw those, you scared me! Looks like you got some new ones in time.

I hope they appreciate you over there! I always stay far, far away from my place of employment on my days off, unless one of my animals are sick.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

after getting "tired" i am thinking it is a surprise you got any crafting done. i like the cat, he is really cute and I like the color. good thing you replaced those tires and a little bit of pay while waiting is always a good thing. i do have to say i have never ever never gone in to my workplace when i was on vacation, and for the very reason, if i did it would end up working. enjoy the rest of your time off, it is speeding faster than a bullet

Catherine said...

Hmmm.... don't you have the same employment law there that if your employer asks you to work, you have to get paid for a minimum of 3 hours even if you only work 1 hour??

I'm glad you got new tires Ann ~ those ones look like they didn't have much grip on them!!

And your little Hobbes curly cue is adorable!

Happy Weekend!
xo Catherine

J. M. P. said...

The cat is so funny, I like its details, especially the tail and the way it sits down. There's a lot of work done there, I think!

a paper {life} said...

cute, cute cute. I love the cat...bowl with fish bones would work perfectly.

Anne said...

Good Deal. Since you were working anyway, it is always better to get paid for it.

I love the cat. I am a huge kitty fan.

Unknown said...

I love your quilled Hobbes-Cat!! so sweet!
My oh my, you really get things done; buying new tires, taking pics of old ones and making a cake and getting paid for it!

This past month has been a time of packing lifting and moving brown boxes from one place to another! But not getting paid for it, but rather having to pay for others to help me.

This is perhaps why I've been toying with writing exercises like the Friday Romantic Writers. Thank you so much for your kind words. Apparently my story was too much kitchen sink and not romantic enough!

There is alot that I would like to tell you about the inspiration to this short piece. Just as you, I miss my Dad. And just like you I do talk with him - but never hear an answer.

There are people who really hear voices - but I am not one of them. Only once in my life did I actually hear my father calling or saying my name that was not a dream or a thought - i actually heard his voice say my name. But he was still alive then. I called him on the phone and asked him if something special had happened or if her was thinking of me at that time. He was surprised at the question because nothing was amiss.

Now that he is no longer available to telephone, I really wish I could ask him questions and tell him about things that have happened since he left us, just as I write in my story. But the only clues I have is reading books that I know he read and liked. He liked Daphne du Maurier's novels, so I have read Rebecca, Jamaica Inn, and am now halfway through My Cousin Rachel.
Daddy lived to be 88 years old, so it is my own fault that I did not take more time to get to know him when he was alive. He was a very shy man, so he was not easy to get to know.
Another source of inspiration is a Swedish writer whose father died young, in his thirties when he was only a boy. So he started writing letters to his father (in Heaven) to inform him about things that happened after he had left them. I have not read these letters. I don't even know if they are published anywhere. In a TV-interview,he just mentioned this as one of the reasons that he became a writer.

Best wishes & hugs
For the benefit of other readers:
Anna's Romantic Friday No 13 - 'Voices'

Unknown said...

Whoa, those tires look like drag-racing slicks! They did start out with a tread pattern--right? Just think of the fun you can this winter, now that you can get a little traction.

Oh yeah, did it feel good to be made to think of how invaluable you are at work? SUCKER!

Julie Harward said...

Cool cat..he needs a mouse! ;D

vickie said...

LOL FishHawk! So true ... but at least you got paid for the cake ;)

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