Monday, August 15, 2011

She did it again

Happy Monday everyone. Yes, my mom did it again. She forgot about the old blog. She was being lazy busy doing other things and totally forgot about doing a post. When she noticed the time she asked me to make an excuse  apologize for her absence. I know you guys really don't mind that she's off doing other things though because we all know that you come here to see me. I am after all the star of the show. I may have to consider getting a new mom if she keeps slacking like this. I probably should go check my food dish to see if she managed to remember to fill that.


Julie Harward said...

Hi Duke...I love you! ;D Oh and mom too! LOL

Sandee said...

I love you too Duke and I love all your doggy posts. You cover for your mom very nicely. Keep up the good work.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your busy mom. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Hey Duke - you tell her - and for Heavens sake - try to keep her in line!

BeadedTail said...

Duke, we always love seeing your adorable face so it's quite alright that your mom is busy! We do hope she remembered to fill up your food dish! :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

aw... August does that to folks. Makes then all busy and stuff. Take care of her Duke :)

Rick (Ratty) said...

All I know is that pose you're in, Duke, is adorable.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Don't be too hard on mom, Duke, she is still in shock from having to return to work after vacation! And look at what a pretty picture of you she took!

Reena said...

Duke, I think you should be pressing your mom for a raise in pay when you have to take over like this!

Reeni said...

I never get tired of seeing your cute face Duke! Hope you all have a great week!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Don't know what you would do if Duke wasn't there to help you with your blog, Ann.... ha ha

Lin said...

Duke, you need to convince your mommeh that it is OKAY if she does not post once in awhile. See, if she takes a break, then WE can take a break! Give her the hint--will ya??

Doris Sturm said...

Well, hello sweet boy! You look so handsome! I know your mommy's kind of busy trying to make stuff for her upcoming arts and crafts show and blogging gets put on the back burner sometimes - it does with me ;-)

Have a great week! Hello from Gizzy!

Duni said...

Duke, you look so sweet! Nice of you to take over the blog, while your Mommy is busy!

Anonymous said...
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Marg said...

Oh thank COD you are such a good boy Duke and cover for your Mom. We do love seeing you and you are definitely the star of the show. But we love hearing from Mom too. Hope all have a super day.

Pat said...

Hope the food bowl was full, Duke!
After all, hard work tracking and nudging your mom along :) xx

Unknown said...

Be assured that I feel your pain. For getting a mommy (or a wife) to heed your every beck and call can be a real inconvenience at times, but when you consider how much time and effort you have already spent on her training, it would probably be better to just stick with what you're stuck with. Sigh.

Jen said...

Mondays are tough enough without having to remember to come up with a post (don't sweat it chickie ;o) Somehow, Mr. Duke, I'm pretty darn sure your Mom didn't forget you.

Sheryl Hastings said...

Hey Duke. I don't think you should trade in your mom. Sometimes they just have important things to do or sometimes they just need a break. I'm sure your food bowl is fine. If not, you can come over here and I'll share mine with you. I'm sure you won't like it though because I'm on a prescription diet and the food is yucky. My MEAN mom makes me eat that junk and will only let me eat two tiny treats a day! She said it's better than getting bladder stones again. Whatever that means.

Hang in there buddy.

Your friend,

Donna said...

Nothing like seeing the Duke!
We love him!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you KNOW I am always always happy when you are the 'star' of the day, so let it go this time Duke. hope you had food in your bowl and that you reminded mommy to go to work.

booahboo said...

Any post with a picture of you is not an excuse for a post :) We love you Duke :)

Out on the prairie said...

A bit reckless after playing too hard on vacation?

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