Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Because you asked

Yesterday Duni asked what kind of markers I was using to color my tart warmer and Jeanne asked if I was using Sharpies. So, because they asked and because I needed something to blog about I'm going to answer their question.

I am using Sharpie markers. I bought a big variety pack of colors

And because I couldn't decide which picture I liked better I'm using both. Even though these are a permanent marker it will smudge before it dries. I also found out that if you rub hard enough it will wipe off too.  You do have to rub pretty hard though.  

Did you know that Sharpies have have been around since 1964? They're almost as old as I am


Duni said...

Thanks for letting me know, Ann!
Currently I only have black - now I want the colored ones :)

bichonpawz said...

I have experimented with some of the Sharpies Ann...but wasn't aware that they would actually rub off! I wonder if they can be sealed in some way. I'll have to google it! :) I love the color packs too!

Hootin Anni said... their age [Sharpies] and comparing MY age, the Sharpies are still 'wet behind the ears'.

Love the array of colors in the package. Wow. I only thought they came in blue, red, and black. Ya, I know...I do live under a rock most always.

Out on the prairie said...

A child with a sharpie can be dangerous.Early markers were strong scented.

Laura said...

I didn't realize there were so many colors either-
And I am older than Sharpies too! Sigh...
I hope you will share this at Thoughts of Home on Thursday this week.
Just stop by my blog to join in.
We would love to have you!
Enjoyed visiting,

White Spray Paint

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for answering our questions, the smudging must be what makes it look like water colors... i did not know sharpies were that old... but i think back then they were only black and blue, not bright colors.. they were used to mark things like in the freezer, not for coloring. i think that but that doesn't mean it is so

Marie said...

such a pretty variety of colors! since 1964? wow..

Sandee said...

So now we know what you used. I love Sharpies.

I'm way older than the Sharpies though.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Connie said...

Good Morning Ann, I love sharpies, too.
I'm with Sandee above . . . much older that the Sharpie.
In fact, when I was in the fifth grade we were all learning to write with fountain pens. They didn't have ink cartridges either, but instead they had a lever on the side that you used to pump ink into a little balloon inside the pen. Oh my, I am getting old, LOL.
Have a happy day!
Connie :)

Christine said...

No way! 1964! I only just discovered them!

BeadedTail said...

That's quite a variety of Sharpies! So, does Gibbs have an appt yet? Yep, we can't wait for a kitty!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Stop over from Anni, and I'm four years older then the sharpies. I thought they would be much younger.
If you fine the time stop on in for a cup of coffee.

Patricia @ CorninmyCoffee-pot said...

I love SHARPIES...!
and they do have some fun colors, though I've not used them for much in the way of art.
sharpies are older than me!
that surprises me.

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