Thursday, April 28, 2016

confusing times

I can't help but wonder if mother nature might be suffering from dementia.
My yard looks summery adorned with dandelions while my tree still looks a bit wintery.

I don't think I've ever seen the trees this bare at the end of April. They are starting to green up but still they've got a long ways to go.


Deb said...

Got to love dandelions, no matter how rotten the Spring weather they always manage to make an appearance! Hope you get some nice warm days soon to make those trees burst out green, Deb xo

Duni said...

The trees here have all sprouted green, but they are now dusted with snow!!!

Christine said...

Yes, I noticed the same with our trees. And then lo and behold we had sleet/snow showers this morning with freezing temps. I'm confused!

Out on the prairie said...

I will have to send you more green I guess.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the weather is bonkers for sure... the blog i follow in Sweden posted a field of grass with beautiful blue flowers and it was covered in giant pieces of hail.... looks like the grass is happy. hope your tree does what ours did and all of a sudden is GREEN

Jille said...

It seems that we are all suffering the same confusing weather patterns.It's quite cold here today and sadly I've chosen clothing better suited to a warm day. Hey ho! I get to choose again tomorrow!

peggy said...

I'm thinking the same, this morning we have a very cold rain. However, I do remember my grandmother always had a name for these weather spells, like dogwood winter, blackberry winter, strawberry winter, or whatever-was-blooming winter. The way things are going in the world makes us all long for warmth and soft breezes and green everywhere.

Jeanette said...

Yes, it's supposed to be Spring and it's below normal temps here! I just worry that we will get a frost and kill all new plants coming up! That happened a few years ago with my Japanese maple. It looked terrible the rest of the year and took several years to fully come back!

Sandee said...

Ours did what they always do, but your didn't. I see different weather patterns here and there. The weather is cyclical and it always has been, it always will be too.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and my very best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Marg said...

Maybe Mother Nature is just worn our. Some of our trees too their time to get their leaves. The dandelions are pretty.

BeadedTail said...

Once they start, it'll come quick! Hopefully. Our trees are just about done leafing out and everything is green and beautiful!

Grace said...

It will happen over night - a little rain and a little warmth - and boom!

Lin said...

I agree with just need some warm sunshine. I hope it comes your way!

Ida said...

I think Dandelions might actually grow in the winter! - Hope your trees bud soon.

Patricia @ CorninmyCoffee-pot said...

Hahahaha! hilarious... Mother Nature has Dementia... !!!
good one

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