Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Buzz off

What a mixed bag of things my day off was.

First I got to get up early to go pick up my daughter. She's having problems with her car so I picked her up, brought her to my house for her co worker to pick her up.

There was a little playing in the craft room but I had a hard time getting in to it.

A quick trip to Wal-Mart.

A little sitting outside to read and enjoy the nice weather. But, while I was sitting out there a bee kept hovering right in front of me.
See that little black dot just to the right of the chiminea? That's the bee.

Here's one cropped in closer. Gibbs considered for half a second trying to catch him but when the bee turned and started hovering in front of him he changed his mind.
I finally got the hose out and sprayed him a bit and he decided to leave us alone. He probably went off looking for reinforcements. Maybe I should be careful the next time I go out there.


Hootin Anni said...

I'd BEE inside before you can blink an eye....I'm allergic to bee stings.

Duni said...

I had a bee in the house the other day - good thing Sumi alerted me to it. After several tries the bee finally found the open window :)

Out on the prairie said...

You must have smelled good to that bee. Usually they will leave you alone, but can really scare you.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

"Bee" that as it may - I'm glad you had a nice day off. Katie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when bees hover, Jake Jumps, that is how he hurt his other leg 2 weeks ago.. now i take the swatter out and swat them... i like bees we need bees but i hate them when the come close to me... love that little fire thingy and i want one

Jeanette said...

So annoying when you can't sit outside in peace! I'm glad Gibbs changed his mind!

Grace said...

I don't like bugs of any kind but we have to bee nice to the bees...*sigh*

Sandee said...

There is a bottle brush tree at the entrance to our boat dock. It's full of bees right now and you can hear a constant hum. We do not mess with the bees and they don't mess with us. Everyone is happy.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and my very best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Donna said...

If it buzzes...I'm outta' there!Hahaa

Marg said...

Sounds like a good day to us even with the bee hanging around. Good idea with the hose. Hope your week is a good one.

BeadedTail said...

You were brave pissing off a bee! Glad he didn't retaliate!

Marie said...

that doesn't look like a nice bee! glad your weather has been nice. :)

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