Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A fast four days

The past 4 days have gone by far too fast like I knew they would. It's back to work today and as you can see, back to blogging as well. My break wasn't because I was feeling down. I just didn't feel much like writing a post and quite frankly, there's not much to write about.

Yesterday I was reading Anni's post and she mentioned cleaning out computer files because she had an overload of useless photos. It occured to me that my files are loaded with useless photos. I imagine that when Anni calls her photos useless, they don't even come close to being this bad.

I don't know why this wasn't deleted. I seem to have a problem withgetting rid of photos that have no value whatsoever. I'm even worse with photos that might include a person or animal but the quality if so far gone that it's not good for anything.

Maybe one of these days I'll start going through all the folders on my computer and dumping the pictures that look like the one above.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, it is pretty hilarious!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. Welcome back!

CheerfulMonk said...

Welcome back! We have gazillions of photos too, some of them pretty bad. We do occasionally toss some.

Anni said...

You could've titled this post...AS THE WORLD TURNS. Which reminds me, we have to get an electrician out here to replace the motor in our ceiling fan before summer. Now...not such a worthless picture after all!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am with Ginny on the it is hilarious. I was told by Staples Geek Guy to leave old photos alone, he said the more we delete the more chance of crashing the computer, or the external drive or even the CD they are on. he says messing with them causes problems. when he told me that because my externa drive crashed, I started as soon as I put them in the computer I delete all the bad ones, but my drives are FULL of silly things like this one.

Kate said...

If you're going to be a hoarder it might as well be on the computer - no one else can see your stuff there. lol Long weekends always go by too fast - I think it has something to do with Murphy's Law. :)

Annsterw said...

Welcome back! You have reminded me that I need to transfer pictures from my phone to my computer asap! Thanks! https://annstersdomain.blogspot.com/2019/03/second-half-of-florida-2019.html

Lin said...

Oh, that's funny! What a great (?) photo you've got there. Hee Hee!

I was forced to clean out my computer files and organize them when I had the Great Hard Drive Failure of 2019. It really was good to clean out the junk and sort everything. Now I back it all up each day and know that what I have is current. It's a good feeling...although at the time all I did was cry.

Sandee said...

I need to do the same thing. It's hard to get started though. I'll get to it.

Have a fabulous day back at work. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

The Feminine Energy said...

*haha* This made me laugh out loud, Ann! Maybe because there's so much truth in this post for me too. :-D Welcome back! Love, Andrea xoxo

Rose said...

Oh, my, I am just like you with my photos, at least the ones on my computer. I do sometimes go in and delete photos on my phone.

Grace said...

Ah, the delete key, my absolute favorite. I use it with gay abandon, spend a few minutes a day clearing out, you,may find some gems you forgot about and at the cery least you will free up space on your computer.

Out on the prairie said...

I file my photos by the month. When I get 8-10 months on file I transfer the first six to a zip drive and save computer space for new ones. I take a lot so this relieves a lot of space.

Out on the prairie said...

I do keep my distance from those skunks. I had one try to enter my tent one time and had to flip it out with my hands, making it rather mad and it blessed me by spraying around the campsite.Cute little critters, reading Lewis and Clarks travels they even ate a few. PHEW!

Ann said...

Thanks and yes, I suppose it is pretty funny.

Ann said...

Thanks. Unfortunately I keep more than I toss

Ann said...

Well how about that, it does serve a purpose after all:)

Ann said...

Chances are I'll never go back and start deleting them so I don't have to worry :)

Ann said...

LOL, you're right, the computer is a good place to be a hoarder

Ann said...

I have my phone set to automaticly transfer my photos to google photos

Ann said...

LOL, I doubt I'll ever learn to back things up and clean things out

Ann said...

I'm saving it for one of those days when I'm REALLY bored...lol

Ann said...

I'm happy to provide a daily dose of laughter :)

Ann said...

There have been times when I've gone back through old files and find things that I forgot about. Usually when I take a second look at them now, I see things in them I didn't when I first took them.
Most of my pictures are stored on an external hard drive.

Ann said...

My photos are all stored on an external hard drive

Ann said...

I remember years ago there used to be a lot of skunks in the neighborhood I was living in. They frequently sprayed nearby and when they did it was so bad you couldn't stand to breathe

NanaDiana said...

I am just like you. I have photos of the grandkids that are so blurry only I know who they are...lol. It's a sickness I tell you that we keep all these pictures. Glad to see you back blogging! Hugs-Diana

Reeni said...

I have tons of pics like this! I'm just too lazy to delete them! It takes so much time to go through them.

Pam said...

If my desktop crashes then I will lose about 4 yrs worth of pics. Weddings, senior school pics, .....oh so much. I really need to work on moving those to a hard drive I have but, haha, don't have hooked up and i have had it for about five yrs......oh my.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I was working on deleting photos from my phone. I had downloaded them to my computer so I'm just keeping the best of the best. I also need to do that on my computer.

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