Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Little Golden

Did you read Little Golden books when you were growing up? I remember having lots of them when I was a kid and then later buying them for my children.

Recently, while in Walmart, I saw a display of Little Golden books and thought I would pick one up for my granddaughter. WHAT? Are they kidding with that price?

I did a little search for Little Golden books and found out that they first came out in 1942. According to THIS WEBSITE, when they were first published they were sold for .25 cents.

The original 12 titles published were:
Three Little Kittens
Bedtime Stories
The Alphabet A - Z
Mother Goose
Prayers for Children
The Little Red Hen
Nursery Songs
The Poky Little Puppy
The Golden Book of Fairy Tales
Baby's Book
The Animals of Farmer Jones
This Little Piggy


Ginny Hartzler said...

I had them when they were a quarter. I had at least three on your list. I cannot see your picture. Cannot see any of Sandra's either! That's why I didn't post today, I was unable to load the pictures. Must be a blogger thing.

Anni said...

My daughter loved all I bought her. Yes, they ARE expensive now.

Lin said...

Books are expensive...but so worth it! You can get good prices on books at Half Price Book Stores and even Home Goods. I love a good kids book though...I've saved a lot of my kids' books for their kids.

Kate said...

These bring back fond memories - don't remember having any of my own but my children certainly did. The current price is outrageous! lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had 3 from the list and I think they were only 50 cents when my boys were small in the mid 60's. that is quite a jump in price, but then what has not jumped in price... I nearly fainted when 1/2 tank of gas was 37.00 last week

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I still love the Little Golden Books with their sweet illustrations. Crazy prices now. Yard and garage sales are where I can sometimes pick up cute books for our grandchildren.

Sandee said...

I remember those books. They are pricey now aren't they. Such fond memories.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

Ah, showing your age LOL Whenever I get sticker shock I have to remember just how old I am. Paper books are expensive because paper is expensive, one of the contributing factors to newspapers going out of business, which leads me to wonder why ebooks are almost as expensive as paper books...

Donna said...

I bought new books as well for my grandkids but now, I'd go to the Used Book Store and get almost new ones for 3/4th the price less! :o)
Honestly, I don't remember ever reading a children's book when I was little...Mom and Dad worked all the time (beautician & Chiropractor) so I availed myself of medical books...enclyopedias and the dictionary...of which was big enough for me to sit on at the supper table..

Out on the prairie said...

I see them at sales a lot and always grab one if I haven't given it away. I remember one of my kids teething on a few

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh my word, they're HOW much now???? Sheesh!! That's terrible! I have a couple hundred Golden Books on the bookshelf, some from when I was little but most from when my children were little. My grandgirls read them but now they're 9 and 7 years old so are past the age for the simple books. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them as I don't know if we're going to have any more grandchildren or not. I suppose I'll just leave them on the shelf and let my children worry about the books' disposal after I'm gone. :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

Ann said...

I remember having a few on the list too. I wonder why you can't see the pictures

Ann said...

Books were a big treat and I remember the book sales they used to have at school that I always enjoyed

Ann said...

That and thrift stores are a great place to buy books. Best gift to give a kid

Ann said...

I had them and so did my kids

Ann said...

I remember when it was my parents saying I remember when _______ cost this much and just look at the price now. Now it's me saying

Ann said...

They sure are

Ann said...

I sound like my parents now when I talk about I have always wondered the same thing about ebooks

Ann said...

yep, best place to get them

Ann said...

That sounds like a plan. Let the kids worry about

Pam said...

Yes, I bought these for my kids. And that is one CRAZY price. Up until recently that book was stored in a book in my shed.....that very book. :)

peggy said...

I buy them when I see them at garage sales. Can't help myself.

Reeni said...

Omg I can't believe how much they went up!! I used to love them.

BeadedTail said...

Uh, I thought that was a good price actually. I think I've read all the books you listed and they started my love of reading.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I collect Golden books and have a LOT...but most of them are used and I get them cheap. They have such sweet stories! Hugs!

Ida said...

Yeah prices sure aren't what they use to be. - Cute little bunny on the cover of that one. - Hope to be back blogging on a regular basis now. Have missed commenting on blogs.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well that price has definitely changed! I love those little books. Yes my children had them. I have a few new ones here that I bought several years ago and I have a set of miniature ones. (I love little things) Someday I will share them with JP.

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