Saturday, March 2, 2019

Hanging with my bud

After work yesterday I ran to Walmart to get a couple things I was out of. Gibbs was a little upset with me for being late but once I explained that I had to go get him more biscuits he forgave me. Then we spent the rest of the night hanging out together. We had a nice dinner then settled in on the couch for a relaxing evening

The couch is currently covered with a couple fleece blankets because Mr Gibbs always tracks in mud. It's bad enough that I can't keep the floors clean.


Hootin Anni said...

Awww, sweet sweet Gibbs. Biscuits & gravy & hanging out with best buds. A perfect ending of the day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I know Gibbs is thankful for sofas with blankets and mama there to... glad your car is still running or we might have to ship his biscuits in to you

Kate said...

Gibbs is a perfect companion - you are so lucky to have him. ^^

Marg said...

That sounds like a very nice evening. Gibbs is good company. Have a good weekend.

Sandee said...

They like it when we are home. Doesn't matter what you're doing as long as you're home.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Ginny Hartzler said...

He really knows how to find the most comfortable spot in the house! I saw this thing on Amazon the other day, you just stick each foot in and pull it out, gets rid of all the mud on dog's feet.

Out on the prairie said...

Wipe those paws Gibbs. With big dogs you can catch them and wipe for them on a rug holding them with your knees

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like a good day. Yes, best to keep blankets on the furniture!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so happy you have him! :)

Lin said...

Ugh. Muddy paw season. :( There has got to be a better way than having to wipe those feet all of the time. Can't he just hold it until Spring? Hahaha!

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