Tuesday, March 12, 2019

One less thing to procrastinate over

Wade always did our taxes. Between my divorce and the time I married Wade, I did do my own online but this time around I was afraid I might forget something so I decided to go to H&R Block. They are right down the street from me so it was convenient. I've had all the stuff I thought I needed ready to go but I kept forgetting to make the phone call. Finally I called yesterday morning and they were able to get me in that afternoon.

My taxes are filed finally. Yeah!!!!

If I had done them myself I could have avoided the $99 fee but with my luck I would have screwed something up.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Hooray!!!! I hope you get a big refund!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad they could take you right away, and that it's no longer on your mind. Good for you!

Pam said...

I have never done mine at all but I used to do the office ones for Photo Serv. Crazy huh? Mom has always done mine and I really need to shake a stick and get mine done. Congrats on having it taking care of.

Kate said...

It's a good feeling to get the taxes done - I do mine online and got it sent off yesterday, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OH MY WORD… 99 dollars? the last time I had someone do our taxes was the year Daddy died, with his estate and ours together they charged 315.00... that was in 2006. I am thinking now it would be 1000.00... since then I have used Turbo Tax. it is free because our income is below poverty line. next year you can use it. I would have gone to Block also with it being the first time, just to get it right... my turbo tax refund was a shock, 11 days from the day I clicked send the money went in our account.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That looks like a bargain to me! I'm proud of you!

Annsterw said...

Congrats on getting them done! However it happens does not matter - just that it gets done! HA! Annster's Domain

Sandee said...

Good for you. Sometimes you're better off letting the pros do your taxes. Hubby does ours but uses Turbo Tax and it's a great program.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

Yay! I'm glad they are done. I think your taxes may be more complicated due to Wade's death...I don't know. Ask Sharla (Beaded Tail)...she may be able to answer that question. Otherwise, I think they are pretty simple now with all the changes. Maybe try to do them on your own next year and ask a trusted friend to review them for accuracy.

Grace said...

We've been using H&R block for 20+ years - since we started itemizing. I trust them to find the little things we would have missed - such as computing my medical expenses and my husband's medical expenses separately. We always have the same 'advisor' and she knows all about government pensions and other specific financial doodads we have. And their fee is tax deductible on next year's taxes!

The Feminine Energy said...

We've got to us H&R Block this year too. Hubby always has done our taxes in the past but this time, what with his retirement & severance pay & cashing in his pension & social security & .... omgosh.... just too complicated. I'm glad your taxes are all taken care of, Ann. Wish us luck. Love, Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go on getting those done. I would have done the same thing. I know nothing about doing taxes!

Ann said...

It's bigger than I was expecting so I'm happy with that

Ann said...

Me too. I could have had this done a long time ago if I didn't put things off lke I do

Ann said...

That's kind of funny that you did them for the office but not for yourself. I could have had mine done a long time ago if I didn't put things off

Ann said...

Wade always did ours online too. I would have done them myself but was too worried I would miss something

Ann said...

That is so true :)

Ann said...

I think Turbo Tax is what Wade always used.

Ann said...

That is exactly what I was thinking.

Ann said...

I will admit that doing them myself would be cheaper but having H&R block do them gives me the peace of mind that they are not screwed up

Ann said...

Good luck with yours. When there is too many new things in the mix I prefer to let someone who knows what they are doing take care of it

Out on the prairie said...

If you need help spending that return lets go shopping

BeadedTail said...

Grace, the fees are no longer deductible with the new tax act. It eliminated miscellaneous itemized deductions, as well as exemptions, but gave you that big standard deduction instead. Helps some but for others like me with my home office deduction, I need those miscellaneous IDs.

BeadedTail said...

Glad you got those out of the way! Take it from a pro, taxes are icky! LOL!

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