Sunday, March 3, 2019

Breakfast at Amanda's

Yesterday morning I went to my daughters for breakfast again. She made a yummy casserole type thing in the crock pot.
While I was there I thought I would take some pictures of the grand cats. I could not get both of them to look at me at the same time.

If Ace was looking at me then Fluffy was looking out the window

If Fluffy was looking at me then Ace was looking at the floor.

I had no problem getting them both looking away from me though


CheerfulMonk said...

I can understand that, they see people a lot and there could be something interesting going on out there. :D

Hootin Anni said...

....they knew!!

What's this breakfast casserole?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Ace and Fluffy are watching Cat TV I think... I love the profile of Fluffy in photo one, they both have beautiful faces... yum on the casserole. I love casseroles and they are a no for me right now. what kind of casserole

crafty cat corner said...

I often rush into the next room for the camera if one of them is in a certain position, you can bet that they will have moved by the time I get back, lol
Lovely cats.

Kate said...

A breakfast casserole sounds yummy - would you share more detail? ^^ The cats are beautiful even if they're uncooperative. It's so nice to see grass - we're still buried under a lot of snow.

peggy said...

Liked the pictures showing true nature of cats...they don't go along with something that isn't THEIR idea.

Sandee said...

You still got some great shots of the kitties and you had a wonderful breakfast with your daughter. That's a really good way to start a day off.

Have a fabulous Sunday, Ann. Tomorrow is another day off. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

Handsome kitties...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are so cute and the first photo is perfect!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, they are gorgeous! Wonder what was holding their attention outside the window? Is fluffy a purebred? How old are they? We want more info!

BeadedTail said...

They have the cat rules down pat! Breakfast sounds yummy too!

Ann said...

And they find us humans so incredibly

Ann said...

recipe coming tomorrow

Ann said...

That happens to me all the time. If I have to run for the camera whatever I wanted to take the picture of is gone

Ann said...

recipe coming tomorrow

Ann said...

It sure is.

Ann said...

They are. Ace wants nothing to do with me and will totally avoid me but Fluffy is extremely friendly and is always there for ear scritches and pets. She even lets me take home lots of her

Ann said...

I have no idea if Fluffy is purebred or not. She was Amanda's boyfriend's cat from before. As for age, I don't know that either. I don't think Ace was a kitten when Amanda first got him but then again I could be wrong on that too :)

Ann said...

Oh they sure do.

Connie said...

Cats are like little kids, they never show off when the camera comes out, LOL.

Pam said...

That last pic is cute with both of them looking away and sitting about the same. Cute. Nice for daughter to cook for you. Now you need to tell us about the casserole thingy she made.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Sounds like a great morning

Lin said...

Ugh. Typical cats. They sure are cute though!

Out on the prairie said...

I am reading an author, Spencer Quinn, who writes hos narrative from a dogs point of view. I have both adult and childrens books by him to amuse me through the week. I thought of your poor dogs smelling those catz on you

Reeni said...

Pretty kitties! Of course I'm in love with the white one! :)

Ann said...

But of course you love the white one :) Fluffy is so friendly too

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