Sunday, March 31, 2019

Eating in the wild

Yesterday I picked Amanda up from work again and she suggested we go to lunch. She picked a place called Lorie's Wildridge Restaurant.

Amanda took a few pics for me because my phone has been taking horrible pictures.

It has a rustic, log cabin feel to it and there are wild animals all over the place. Thankfully none are alive and begging for food. Amanda chose a Reuben sandwich and french onion soup and I had a fish sandwich and fries. It was totally yummy and it's always nice to spend time with Amanda


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yikes, this place really IS wild! It looks like the barber shops here do! This would be kind of creepy to me. But so glad the food was great and you had a good time with your daughter. That is what matters the most.

Anni said...

...and here I imagined a picnic when I read your title in my reader. I would much prefer this kinda wild than at some outdoor picnic table.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Yippee for lunch out with your daughter and a fun place at that! We have a place here that looks almost identical to this it's called Linger Lodge. Dead animals everywhere and dead alligators. They even serve alligator tail! I rather have your fish sandwich and fries

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like an interesting place. Oh my, I could go for a Reuben sandwich!

Lin said...

Yeah...I dunno about all of the stuffed animals in that place! At least they weren't serving raccoon or buffalo...that would bother me, I think. That sort of stuff is getting to me lately. Like, I can't look at pig trucks driving to slaughter...I think I am getting squeamish in my old age. That said, I am eating less meat because of it.

Ann said...

Since all the animals were at a distance and none were drooling over my food I was good with it It really is quite nice

Ann said...

It was warm enough yesterday but it was very rainy so not a good day for a picnic

Ann said...

I guess I have spent enough time around hunters that the dead animals don't bother me. Now if the raccoon was perched right over my table and eyeing my sandwich I might have been a little creeped out

CheerfulMonk said...

You made me hungry! I'm glad she lives so close and that you can have fun together.

Ann said...

It is nice having her close.

Rose said...

This looks like a place I would enjoy...I like trying new places that are not fancy.

Lin said...

Right?! Stupid raccoons!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Like "none were drooling over my food" (tick)

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