Sunday, October 27, 2019

A weighty matter

image from

So I've finally gotten myself back into healthier eating habits. I got very tired of my increasing weight and I had to do something about it. I don't know exactly when I started but so far I've lost 12 pounds. It's been slow with some weeks only a 1/2 pound or a pound loss but at least I am going in the right direction.

On the advice of my pal Sandra I gave up white flour and sugar and started watching the sodium. Last week I went grocery shopping and had a few different things in mind that I always thought were good choices. Then I looked at the nutrition label and was shocked at just how much sodium is in most of the foods I was buying. No wonder I've had such a hard time losing weight. 

I still have a ways to go to get to the weight I would like to be at but I think for now I'm on the right track. Now I just need to get through the holidays.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations! I know how hard it is, I have lost 100 pounds. And hope to keep it off this time.

CheerfulMonk said...

Good for you! Losing slowly and keeping it off is the best way to go. I hope the holidays aren't too tempting. It's so easy to gain weight and so hard to lose it. :D

Hootin Anni said...

Oh yes...and the sodium content is unbelievable on MOST processed foods. Then, if you're like me ... the calorie intake number of 2000 a day is way HIGHER than what MY total is (like ALL nutrition labels) so, that is another thing to consider! Count calories for the day...and your percentage of nutrition will be different than package labels.

Good luck. But, remain healthy weight too. Age, height, heredity should be considered.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YAY for 12 pounds, you are doing the TOPS way to go. Take Off Pounds Sensibly and they will stay off. just making small changes makes small weight changes. I must say that I have been shocked over and over at sodium in everything in a can or a jar or a box or a bag... one jar of spaghetti sauce, the kind you open and heat, has 3 days of sodium in one jar. sugar and salt are in almost all processed food. you are doing so good and with making cakes and baking bread every day it has to be much harder, I am not sure I could fight the desire if I worked in a bakery

Rose said...

Congratulations! I need to do this, too.

crafty cat corner said...

I admire you in sticking to a diet. I am so weak willed although in the past I have done it several times. I have photos of me at different sizes. lol

Pam said...

Oh I am so with you...losing is not easy. Be nice if putting it on was the hard part. I have put on 15 since the loss of mom and I really need to work on it. I lost 3 but I think I have put it back on. You are doing great. Keep up the amazing work.

Grace said...

I think sugar is the killer for most people...generic eating advice usually says 'cut carbs' (which breakdown into sugars in your digestive system) but oddly carbs aren't everyone's bug-a-boo. But added sugar? Hoo-boy I think everyone is a victim of that. (My husband eats great gooey gobs of carbs and dairy and never gains a pound - cutting sugar out of his diet, THAT made a huge difference. He is now a bit too thin - yes there is such a thing LOL - while packing away cheese and crackers for his afternoon snack.)

Ann said...

Oh good for you. I've lost before and then gained it all back and then some. I'm hoping this time I can keep it up

Ann said...

The holidays are what killed my efforts the last time. A few years ago I lost a lot and then quit for the holidays but never got back into after that and gained everything back plus more

Ann said...

I was shocked at the sodium content on most things. I never paid much attention to it before

Ann said...

Well I have to say that living alone makes it a whole lot easier since I don't have to consider what someone else wants to eat and I only bring foods in the house that I want.

Ann said...

I had gained quite a few pounds in the year before Wade passed away and then since then I've added even more. I just got to the point where enough was enough. I was miserable in my own body.

Ann said...

I agree there is a thing as being too thin. When I first seperated from my ex husband I lost LOTS of weight. I felt great but looking back I was a little too thin. Just cutting out that sugar has made a huge difference in my food cravings. I could never go through the evening without snacking and feeling like I was hungry. Now unless I'm really bored I don't even think about a snack.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

and a brisk walk every day - maybe with Gibbs - good for his soul and good for you. Probably harder now, your season is not conductive but you might be able to find a Mall fitness walkabout or similar...

Ann said...

A walk every day would be good but after working all day I can rarely talk myself in to going. The colder weather also keeps me from wanting to go.

Lin said... are my inspiration. AFter a long summer of not moving (thanks to my knee and broken wrist)...I am determined to get out walking again and going to the gym. I need to cut the sugar too.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said... other things to fit the season...concentrate on food and then also mind, you can't be stressed out, so if something else needs "fixing" then get it done...Spring will come again...

اوائل الرياض said...
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Reeni said...

That's awesome! I've been losing too. I felt the same way miserable and uncomfortable all the time. I'm a slow loser too at times it felt like torture but it's worth it.

Ann said...

I need to get inspired to do some exercise but with the weather about to turn cold I doubt I'll be going out walking. I really don't miss the sugar all that much and by staying away from it I sure have cut the cravings.

Ann said...

good advice. I'll keep that in mind

Ann said...

It's amazing how much better I feel after just 10 pounds. I know that losing slow is the way to go but it really is torture

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go! Sandra has done an amazing job. I have to work harder at it too. I just got way off track with our company for the last few weeks. I to have stopped flour and sugar, we certainly don't need it and all the sodium too! Keep up the good work. I'm so proud of you.

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