Saturday, October 19, 2019

No particular place to go

Yesterday after I got home from work and Gibbs and I had both had our dinner I decided to take a short little drive down to the local park.

I had nowhere I had to be or nothing I had to do, and although it was a bit cool it was an absolute beautiful day

We don't have much fall color but I did find a bit.

While I was strolling through the park with Gibbs, I picked up some pinecones. I saw on Facebook that you could put these in dirt, water a little every day and they'll grow a little tree. Don't know if it will work or not but can't hurt to try.

Hope everyone enjoys their day.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The leaves are beautiful. And now we can follow the progress of your pine trees! I like that you got different kinds.

Ginny Hartzler said...

And look at the intense blue sky behind the leaves! The blue and yellow are so pretty.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Ann what a lovely walk you and Gibbs went on xx

Hootin Anni said...

That will be a fun experiment with the cones! Keep us posted. Oh, and you have me humming 'while strolling thru the park one day...'

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the day the facebook pinecone hit I planted mine, I think it has been a week. no changes yet. maybe I should quit watching it. I have mine outside not inside. LOVE the LEAVES. beautiful shot

Pam said...

I saw that same thing of FB...let me know if you grow a tree. Glad you and Gibbs had a nice, cool but beautiful day for your walk.

Grace said...

I'm never gonna get past the flatness of where you live LOL I saw the pinecone thing on FB too - I shall be interested to see how your experiment with it goes...

Connie said...

I'll be very interested to see how your pine cones grow. I might decide to try it too.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good for you, sounds like a nice walk. Did you post that on Facebook about the pinecones because I know I saw it and thought it was a fabulous idea.

Ann said...

Well so far the pinecones are still sitting on the counter

Ann said...

It was really nice. I wish I could get myself to do it more often

Ann said...

So far they're still on the counter. Maybe tomorrow I'll get them in some dirt.

Ann said...

It didn't say how long it takes but I'm betting it's a while

Ann said...

LOL, I guess I've never noticed how flat we are.

Rose said...

You will have to report to us how the pinecones do! It will be interesting to see.

We have had two or three days of gorgeous weather, too.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

you could also paint your add to your decor/season when you need them...

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you went. Hurray for parks. :)

Ann said...

That's a nice idea

Ann said...

Me too. I just wish I could get myself to do it more often. I'm sure Gibbs wishes I would too

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