Wednesday, October 23, 2019

It just bugs me

Every time I see the commercial for Audible it drives me nuts. There is a woman who says the word ONbelievable instead of UNbelievable and it makes me crazy. Maybe I'm hearing her wrong but that's what I hear every single time.

The woman I'm talking about you can hear at the 30 second mark. Listen and tell me if I'm hearing her wrong. Do you hear her say ON or UN?


CheerfulMonk said...

I'm afraid I hear "unbelievable."

Hootin Anni said...

I hear un, not on. But I do admit there are commercials that also drive me crazy...for instance the AT&T commercial where the young girl talks about package deals. When she's done she walks away & says something I COULD NOT UNDERSTAND for weeks. I finally had to stop and literally read her lips. She says "De nada"...spanish - No wonder.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Ann I hear un to ,I understand how annoying it would be to you xx

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I listened to her 3 times, and I hear un not on... I have never seen it before. the only commercials I watch are the DOGS and there are tons of those lately. I love the basset hounds on the beach and all the Suburu dogs.... I can pick and choose because I don't watch live tv, only DVR recorded... I have to say this commercial doesn't make me want to go AUDUBILE

Rose said...

I am going to gave to.listen to this on computer..m

Sandee said...

I heard un not one. I hate commercials too. We don't have commercials on Netflix or Amazon Prime. I'm good with that.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Annsterw said...

Once you are annoyed by a commercial; it is hard to see it at all. Hopefully, it will be pulled off the air soon and replaced by someone else. HA! That is the worst when you dislike one because then you will see it forty times a day! HA HA!

Grace said...

Yup, UNbelievable for me to - I listened several times and watched her lips - It's UN-

Jeanette said...

I hear UN but I think her mouth makes the ON shape before she says it if that makes any sense? LOL! I don't know!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It even sounds like she says ODD Believable! Maybe her sinuses are acting up! What an annoying ad. We record most things so we can fast forward thru the ads when we watch.

Rose said...

Well, I am the odd one out...I think she says un...but more like an o-un sound....I think it is cause she almost pauses the way she does...

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I also hear un.

Reeni said...

It sounds like both to me too! I think it's because she kind of drags it out and over emphasizes it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I've never seen it before. Honestly I DVR everything I so I never see commercials.

Ann said...

I think once I heard her say ON, I can't hear it any other way.

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