Tuesday, October 8, 2019


The other night when I let Gibbs out I was fascinated with the way the sky looked. I took my camera and tripod out to try and take some pictures. They didn't turn out very good even using the tripod. These were the best two.

This picture was facing sort of south maybe south west.I was having a hard time getting the moon because the clouds were moving pretty fast.

This one is facing  west or north west.

The days here are getting much cooler. Last Friday the high was only around 57. The overnight low was too low for me but I refused to turn on the furnace just yet. Saturday morning I woke up and I believe the temp at the time was 39 and the house was COLD. I still said nope, not going to turn it. I grabbed my robe and got a cup of coffee. After an hour of being cold I caved.

I only turned the thermostat up to 65 and even though this baby is getting pretty old, it heated the house up quite nicely.


Ginny Hartzler said...

We had to turn the heat on last week, too. I like both pictures. The first is spooky and the second pretty.

CheerfulMonk said...

We haven't had to turn the heat on yet, but it's coming soon. I especially like the first picture.

Hootin Anni said...

39°? Too cold for this wuss in Texas. We're gonna get some mornings in the 50s NEXT week. Or so it's predicted. At long last. Loved the sky images.

crafty cat corner said...

Like you we are trying to hold off with the heating but so far it has been fairly mild here. Watch this space, I bet saying that we will get a cold snap now, lol

Rose said...

It is definitely turning chilly here, too but not as cool as there.

I love your might shots...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I don't want it that cold, but would love some cold. we are still sweltering, but I don't want to turn on heat... glad you caved. it is odd that all over the usa people are going from AC to Heat in a few days, there seems to be no in between...

Sandee said...

We've had our heater on a couple of times here too. I'm okay with that. I hate being cold.

Love the moon sky shots. It's hard for me to take decent pictures. I gave up years ago.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

It was still Summer here last Friday but we are slowly creeping into Autumn...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, 39 in the house! That's pretty chilly. I love the photos of the sky. I do have trouble taking pictures in the evening.

Annsterw said...

I just turned my heater on - I am NEVER ready for the shift from Summer to Fall and Winter...UGH! Have a great week!

Ann said...

I thought the moon had a bit of a spooky look to it too

Ann said...

I tried to hold out but I just couldn't

Ann said...

When I went to work this morning it was a bit warmer it was 43

Ann said...

Well I hope the cold stays away from you a little longer. I really dread winter coming

Ann said...

I hate being cold too but I also hate giving my money to the gas company...lol

Ann said...

I was ready for cooler weather but not that cold

Ann said...

Same here. I can deal with fall but I hate winter

Ginny Hartzler said...

Just wanted to make sure you got my e-mail.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Great pictures and I love the sound of your temps. Still hot and humid down here in s.e. FL.

Happy Autumn ~ FlowerLady

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Here in New Zealand, we don't have the kind of heating/furnaces that I often see online...it has only been in the last decade that building construction and structures have began to come under scrutiny of codes i.e. warm and dry...

and now there are loosely defined regulations of bringing old housing stock up to scratch and all new house builds or even renovations must be to a standard.

so for example it's not common for in built heating; insulation is only becoming the norm, let alone in parts of NZ, extractor fans in bathroom/kitchen...

but even with those additional objects in place, older housing stock still cannot have insulation etc in the wall spaces...and unless a window it replaced they are not double glazed...

where I live in Auckland - there is a big problem with mould (humid/damp) - so not warm/dry...and of course not healthy!

I live in a private rental and although certain things are in place (regulated by tenancy agreement dates) it still never really going to tick all the boxes...AND I don't have a choice now...

Ann said...

How interesting. It's amazing how much difference there can be in how things are done.

Ann said...

thank you

Reeni said...

Gorgeous pictures! It's getting cold here too. I love it. :)

Ann said...

Thanks. I'm so not ready for this cold weather.

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