Monday, March 6, 2023

fresh out of material

I was hoping this past Saturday would be another crafty day. However it didn't turn out that way. After a stressful work week I was feeling rather drained and no matter how I tried to do something crafty I just didn't have it in me. 
I had a request from one of the girls at work to make her one of those Easter banners that I posted yesterday. I also told Amanda that I would make another one. Problem was I didn't have any more of the burlap banners. After work yesterday I stopped at Dollar Tree and not only did I find more of the banners but I also spent $35 on other things for craft projects. Hopefully today will be another crafting day.
My one attempt at doing something craft related on Saturday was to cut a card on my Cricut. I never even finished it. This is as far as I got


Donna said...

That's alright! I can't eat fried chicken all day either, but I'd like to! lolol
Cute cricut idea! I feel so lazy about using mine...

Anni said...

Time will come when the urge is right. When you don't feel up to it, it's best doing nothing...otherwise mistakes are made.

Mersad said...

Your craft looks really good. That bunny is cute!

Mersad Donko Photography

MadSnapper said...

its adorable! the thing I love most of all is that silly little smile face on the sun... at least you have enough stuff to do if the craft mojo jumps on you again. that is like sometimes my mojo hits and i will create 5 posts and have all kinds of idea. sometimes I have an idea but can't followr through. it has to possess us to do it is what I think

Lori said...

The bunny is so cute!! Sometimes we all just need to rest. Work, for me anyway, is exhausting.

Rose said...

You may not have finished it but you sure hot a start of a cute card.. .bunnies are always 'cute' aren't they. We dont think of them as beautiful or pretty. Maybe adorable, though.

Rose said...

Got, not hot!

Pam said...

Sometimes after being so crafty for days, and having things to blog about, you come to a stop, an end. Like I have said before, nothing wrong with not having something to say, and you can tell on my blog, I always have something to say!! haha....Course,you know that I find things within FB and Pinterest to just make up a conversation about. Take a break....enjoy

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well you do have a plan and I'm glad you found what you needed at Dollar Tree.

e said...

Sometimes you just need to re-charge. That card is adorable. Have a good week.

Sandee said...

Having a day off is the best of all. If you craft, you craft and if you don't you don't.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hope this week goes much better and you get to do some creative things at home! Sweet hugs, Diane

HappyK said...

So far so good!!
Maybe you just needed a little break from crafting.

CheerfulMonk said...

What you you have is adorable. Don't be afraid to take a break and do anything that appeals to you. You work so hard.

DeniseinVA said...

Batteries tend to run down too, we all need to recharge :) Very cute bunny card!

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