Sunday, March 26, 2023

The old gray mare she aint what she used to be.

I only worked 3 days last week but boy did those three days do me in. I came home from work Friday night and had another crash and burn evening. I spent all my time laying on the couch napping on and off until I went to bed. Saturday I was definitely draggin'.

This wood carving is from a place on the way to that town Amanda and I went to last weekend. He always has some really impressive things there. A dragon was certainly appropriate for today's post. There was also this one which I really liked


CheerfulMonk said...

I worry about you. Please take care. ❤️

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, they are amazing! My favorite is the dragon, it is awesome!

Hootin Anni said...

That dragon is wood?!! Amazing. I hope it's mainly the weather and long winter that is keeping you down and not anything physical.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry about the work envirnment. hope it calms down soon. that dragon is spectaular, sent the photo to my son, he collects those little metal dragons. and has for years. this artist is gifted

Rose said...

Oh, my...those are fantastic. The more I look st the second one, the more I see.

Lori said...

My job has become mentally draining so I totally get being tired after three days. I am the same way. I love the wood carvings. Someone is extremely talented. I hope you have a good Sunday.

Donna said...

I'm back on the Carnivore diet...way of eating. I'm sick and tired of feeling awful...bloated...tired. Check it out on Youtube. There are tons of videos on it. I love Dr Ken Berry to get started.

Jeanette said...

Those sculptures are very cool!

HappyK said...

Hope you're rested fully by now.
Wow that dragon is something!!

e said...

Take care of yourself. Those art pieces are amazing!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hope you get some energy back. Those are awesome carvings he does.

Pam said...

Those are cool

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