Sunday, September 8, 2024

Half hearted craft projects.

I apologize if you've already seen this post. When I scheduled it I accidentally put in August 8 instead of Setpember 8. When I was told of my error, I pulled the post and rescheduled it for today. 

Neither one of these were anything I was very impressed with. They were creative efforts though so at least there was that.

Both of these used window clings that I purchased at Dollar Tree. This first one I used a framed art piece I bought a long time ago for the sole purpose of redoing it. I took the back off and covered it with scrapbook paper. Then I modpodged over top of it and applied a window cling. When it was dry I popped it back in the frame and that was it. It's ok but the window cling is a little hard to see on the background paper that I used.

This second one is the same concept as the first. I used a wood sign blank that, again, bought at Dollar Tree a long time ago. I dry brushed some white paint on then modpodge and applied the window cling. The top of it is a little bare because I intend to put a bow on it but hadn't gotten to that part yet.


The Happy Whisk said...

That's a neat idea. Love the truck.

The Happy Whisk said...

That's a neat idea. I love the little truck.

MadSnapper said...

both are cute, I likethe wood the best. this posted in the past

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think they are both cute put my favorite is the second one. There is something about a truck with pumpkins that just speaks to me.

Ginny Hartzler said...

They are so creative, I have seen nothing like them!!

Rose said...

I do love both...withecthectruck being my favorite.

DeniseinVA said...

Me too, I love both of them :) I like the truck, partial to trucks even though we don’t have one.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh both very crafty and new to me....and even if I had seen them, I would still be impressed.
I really like the truck. I have a Holiday hanging dangy for the front door with a red truck, a Christmas tree in the back and a Golden Retriever sitting in the passenger seat
Hugs Cecilia

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