Wednesday, September 25, 2024

That wasn't supposed to happen

 While it's still warm during the day, the evenings here are cooler and more comfortable. I no longer need the air conditioner running at night when I go to bed. I decided one evening that I would take the AC unit out of the bedroom window and just leave the window open.

Well all was going well. I had a hold of the AC and I pushed the window up. That's when things took a turn for the worse. The next thing I know the AC unit went out the window and crashed on the ground. Did I mention that my bedroom is on the second floor? 

I went outside to pick it up since it landed right in front of the basement door. Surprisingly it didn't look like it was all that damaged but I didn't bother to test it. It did however hit the outside light on the way down. 

Now I have one light that is hanging straight down. It didn't break either of the bulbs though. 


CheerfulMonk said...

That's too bad!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my GOSH! There was a Seinfeld episode like this, so I thought you were kidding! It does sound like something from a sitcom! But I am really sorry, but glad you hopefully did not break anything!! I hope you didn't hurt your back!

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