Friday, September 13, 2024

Week 13 drawings.

 Are you ready for another weeks worth of drawings? Here they are.

This batch of drawings filled the first sketch book and one of them is in the second one. The sketch books have 100 sheets so this group of drawings makes a total of 101. That doesn't include all the ones I did before I started using the sketch books.


Rose said...

These are so fun! I love the Enjoy the little things' background. It might be my favorite but I do love all of them.

MadSnapper said...

I will be trying the dancing girl and the sheep, those two grabbed me quickly. love that mouse too. keep them coming. maybe i will get to one per day.

My Mind's Eye said...

Gnomes make me smile...just love them. The best expressions even w/o seeing their eyes and Llamas too. Once we stayed at a B&B in the NC mountains. Part of the fun was a llama trek into the
forest for a picnic. The llamas carried the food. I was given the honor of leading one of them. What fun
Hugs Cecilia

Pam said...

AWESOME....I love them all. Esp the Gnome

Grace said...

The mouse and lemon are effin' brilliant - He needs a little background color and then needs to be framed. I have just the frame for him!

Debbie Nolan said...

Ann these are so delightful - they would make wonderful illustrations for a children's book - wow 101 drawings. What a great accomplishment. Hope you have a great weekend. Hugs!

DeniseinVA said...

Very cute and it's impressive how many of these you have drawn. I agree with Debbie about a children's book.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go! They are so cute and I especially like the lamas.

Connie said...

Your little llamas are so cute, when I saw them I had to smile:)

ashok said...

Pretty art

HappyK said...

You have a talent that's for sure. They are all so cute!!

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