Sunday, November 11, 2018

It's not what I ordered.

And yet snow arrived on my doorstep any way. I woke up Saturday morning to find the ground covered with snow.
I had registered to attend a Grief Share event called Surviving the holidays and it was scheduled for 10:00 Saturday morning. When the sun came up even though there was snow out there it didn't look too bad. The roads were clear, the sun was shining and I went out early to clean the snow off my vehicle.

Gibbs created a little art while he was outside attending to business.

By the time I was ready to leave, the snow had started falling, the wind was blowing and the road was now covered and looked slippery. Even though I was really looking forward to going, I made the choice to stay home. It was about a 20 mile drive and I just didn't want to take the chance of some idiot on the roads plowing into me. The first snow fall tends to bring those out.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree with you, there are idiots out there that don't drive safely who endanger those of us who strive to be safe drivers. the snow is pretty but the story of the missed support meeting is not. sorry you missed it. Glad the sun came out for a while and allowed Gibbs to do his Thing.. in our town 20 miles is a 40 minute drive because of traffic, we don't have snow but we have Snowbirds fleeing the snow.

Grace said...

Ah but it does look so pretty, doesn't it? Sorry you had to miss the support group meeting, it was wise and brave of you to sign up for it. Maybe the next one...

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Oh dear Ann I am so sorry you had to miss this Grief Share event. Ours is going to be next Sat.

I wouldn't want to drive 20 miles each way on snowy roads either. Bless your heart.

Love, hugs & continued prayers for you ~ FlowerLady

BeadedTail said...

Since it was 20 miles away, you made the right choice. Too many unknowns with the first snowfall to be out there on the roads. As for Gibbs, he's a little spastic one isn't he? LOL!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Goodness, I am so sorry you missed such an important event. I hope there is another one? Surely there must be, especially with the snow. Do you know when it will be? I would name Gibbs' art "Helter Skelter"!

Ida said...

Bummer that you missed going but sometimes we need to think of our safety first. Gibbs is pretty artistic.

Anni said...

You made the right choice I think!


Reeni said...

Such a bummer you had to miss it! We got a few flurries but nothing like this.

Ann said...

yes, it does look pretty and since I stayed home all day it made it that much prettier.
Yes, maybe there will be another meeting I can attend. We'll see

Ann said...

I was really looking forward to it but maybe there will be another one soon. I just couldn't make myself drive the 20 miles in the snow. I hate winter driving

Ann said...

I know. The first snowfall there's always accidents with people who don't know how to slow down and then all the new drivers experiencing their first winter on the road.

Ann said...

There are other ones but a further distance away and in the evening during the week.

Ann said...

You are absolutely correct

Ann said...

I think so too :)

Ann said...

Yes it was a bummer but it will be ok.
No more snow today but I hear more is in the forecast for this week

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry you had to miss it but I would have chosen to stay home too.

Out on the prairie said...

I am with you, getting a bit today

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Think you were smart to stay home... I know that I would have.. As much as I personally love snow, I would not want to drive in it.....

Hopefully you will find more of those workshops to attend. The holidays are SO hard when one as lost a loved one.


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