Saturday, November 17, 2018

Mission accomplished

I got home from work yesterday and my intentions were to get going on those table runners. But first, I had to chill on the couch with the tablet. Then there were a few little things to do around the house. By the time I finished that it was time to make some dinner. Once I finished eating I decided it was a good time to get the dishes done and clean up the kitchen.

STOP! ENOUGH! No more procrastinating.

I pushed up my sleeves and dug in and got those runners done. She wanted these for a narrow table so they aren't very wide. Sorry about the crappy picture but I took a quick one with my cell phone and it was after 6:00 so there was no natural light from outside.

Now I need to catch up on the blog reading and emails.


bichonpawz said...

I think the runners came out great Ann! Super job!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beautiful, I like the red one best for me, it looks like a burgundy red, not santa red. my house can't use Santa red, our 20 year old carpet is the rose color that was so popular back then. I am rambling. Good Job on pushing up the sleeves and gettn it done!!!

Kate said...

The runners look terrific and I especially like the red one! Well done, you.

Grace said...

Those are pretty! I admire folks who can sew Oh hell I admire everyone who can do all those crafty, creative and yet practical things. Okay so I can cook when I have a mind to, and I'm a super-duper cleaner when I put my mind to it but that's the limit to my domestic talents.

Sandee said...

Very pretty and you can mark them off your to-do list. Excellent.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

Oh, those are cute! Perfect timing too...she will have them just in time for holiday decorating. Are you getting paid to do these projects? It is an easy way to make a few $.

Out on the prairie said...

You are back on a roll

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are beautiful! I love how you have made them pointed at the ends. Your paper beads are so pretty, too! If you lived close to me, I would keep you busy making me things!

Connie said...

It feels good to have a project completed. These are so nice, she will love them.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hooray for pushing yourself. I love the table runners.

Ann said...

Thanks. They are called a 10 minute table runner and are pretty easy to make. It does take me longer than 10 minutes though

Ann said...

Thanks. Yeah, that red fabric is pretty

Ann said...

I'm not great at sewing but I can do basic things. This was called a 10 minute table runner and it probably took me 20 minutes to do each one

Ann said...

yes, all marked off :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Wow! They are beautiful! You're making me wonder if I could make one. I have lots of fabric! lol Enjoy your weekend!

Ann said...

No, not getting paid. She did offer to pay me but she's done a lot to help me out and this was my way of thanking her for all she's done

Ann said...

a very choppy

Ann said...

I would be most happy to make things for you if you lived near me Ginny :)

Ann said...

You could, they are really easy. I believe there is a youtube video showing how to make them. It's called the 10 minute table runner.

Grace said...

Sweetie, it would take me a life time of minutes and I still wouldn’t be able to do it 😊

CheerfulMonk said...

I think they're beautiful too, especially the red one. And even though it's satisfying to have finished them, it was important to have some chill time too! It keeps us human and is actually more efficient in the long run.

CheerfulMonk said...

PS I love the font you use! It's informal and friendly. :)

The Feminine Energy said...

Awww Ann, I adore these table runners! You are so talented! Love, Andrea xoxo

Ann said...

Thanks. They are a really easy runner to put together. Yes it is satisfying to have them finished. Always nice to get something crossed off the list.
I can't remember the name of the font but I was looking for something that would be easy to ready yet look different

Ann said...

Thanks Andrea. This is a really easy runner to make. It's actually called the 10 minute table runner but I admit it takes me a bit longer than that to make one :)

Reeni said...

Beautiful! They turned out great! :)

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