Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The day off that wasn't

Yesterday morning as I was leisurely drinking my second cup of coffee and reading blogs and email, my phone rang. Caller ID said it was work calling. Hmmm, do I answer or not?  Well I figured it would be the girl who works bakery on my days off with a question so I answered. It was the boss asking if I wanted some extra hours. He said there was plenty of work to do and if I wanted to pick up some extra hours I could come in. Since I had no plans I said sure why not.

When I get to work and I'm talking to the boss he asked if I was already up when he called. I told him I had been up since 4:45. He called just shortly after 7 so he asked why I didn't answer the first time he called. Oops, must have been letting Gibbs out then.

So I ended up picking up an extra 5 hours for the week and I got to play stock boy and produce person for the day.

Now I just need another random Gibbs picture to finish out this post.

This is what I got from Gibbs when I told him he had to go to his room so I could go to work.

The "what are you talking about" look


Ginny Hartzler said...

Awww, poor little Gibbs. But this last shot is hilarious! Glad you got some extra money, is it time and a half?

Grace said...

Oh my that last photo of Gibbs is a hoot! I guess the extra pay is more than welcome but still - a day off is a good thing even if, and especially when you have nothing planned - at least you didn't have to make donuts!.

handmade by amalia said...

At least you got to drink your coffee in peace :-) Gibbs is so so cute.

crafty cat corner said...

He's the cutest dog, I love him.

Hootin Anni said...

I don't think I would've answered the phone & stayed home with Gibbs. And played ... lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so the good news for you is a bigger check and that is bad news for poor Gibbs staying Home Alone Again.... happy for you though.. glad you were out on the first call or it might have been 8 hours playing stock boy

Lin said...

It's nice, I guess, that they call you with offers of extra work. They know you are a good worker and they can count on you. 5 hours isn't too bad--I would have went in too. Maybe they can make you a manager or something and give you more money!

Duni said...

Honestly, I wouldn't have picked up the phone ;-) I'm sure Gibbs would have rather you stayed too!

Sandee said...

Extra money is a good thing. Good for you.

Gibbs is adorable, but that look. He knew you were supposed to stay home with him.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

He probably wanted to go along, what a hey day getting pet by all.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a beautiful pup! Thank you for sharing.

Ann said...

Yes, it is time and a half So far I'm going to have 9.5 hours overtime

Ann said...

The day off is a good thing but at least I got to wake up slow and sit around with my coffee in my pajamas for a couple hours

Ann said...


Ann said...

He is cute but he can be a real pain in the butt...lol

Ann said...

I think if I hadn't answered he would have kept calling...lol

Ann said...

I'm answering this in my blog post tomorrow :) The boss has been really super helpful. He knows money is tight right now so that's why he's letting me have the extra hours. He's even sent me home with boxes full of meat to help out with food. Three times now I've gotten to work and he hands me a box and says take this home and put it in your fridge.

Ann said...

Yes, Gibbs definitely would have rather had me stay home

Ann said...

That it is. I may be worn out by the end of the week but that paycheck will make up for it

Ann said...

I bet he would have enjoyed working in the meat room

Ann said...

Thanks. Gibbs is not fond of getting his picture taken but I get some good shots when he leasts expects it.

Reeni said...

Aww Gibbs are you giving your Mom the stink eye?! You're so cute! Yay for extra hours!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Change can be a nice thing from time to time. Glad you got the extra house and Gibbs is always a joy to see! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

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