Saturday, November 24, 2018

Lucky me

For something that is supposed to be a totally random selection, I don't know why I have gotten so many of these things.

I have to wonder what source they pulled my name from too since this was my last name when I was married to my first husband.

I don't get it though. Over the years I've gotten at least a dozen of these things. I know some people older than me that have never gotten one. I would never be selected this many times in a random drawing that offered a prize so why these.

It's actually been several years because I did serve on a jury once quite a few years back.

Have you ever gotten a jury summons and if so have you ever been chosen ?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Phil got a summons. He drove an hour to get there, and they told him that a plea bargain had been accepted. The jurors were paid for the gas and released. I have heard that they get the names from voting records.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

maybe more than one because of the name change. but I have only gotten 2 in my 74 years on the planet. one in 2004 and one last year. I am old enough I could withdraw my name so I did not go this time and removed my name. I did go in 04 and was chosen, but it only lasted half a day... you might qualify for hardship if you miss getting paid. I would call and ask them. if you miss work it is a hardship

Marg said...

I have been lucky and have never been picked. Hope you can figure out a way out of it. Have a good day Ann.

Sandee said...

I've not gotten one in a few years, but did every other year for years. I'm hoping I won't get anymore. I was picked for one jury and ended up being foreperson.

Hubby hasn't gotten any for years either. Too bad they can't get your name right.

Have a fabulous day off. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I get one every year!

Grace said...

If the name is incorrect then is it valid??? (Funny thing - just yesterday hubby and I were talking about being called for jury duty...)

BeadedTail said...

We get them quite often. My hubby served on a jury two years ago but I haven't served since we lived in Topeka ages ago. Last March I was selected to be on a 'special jury' which required three weeks of my time but I got out of it because of tax season. We both then received a 'special jury' notice for July that would've gone into August so I had to go to the courthouse and get us out of that since we were leaving for Maui before the jury would've been over. I was told I'd be called again in September but so far I haven't although my husband was. He spent half a day in the selection process before being sent home. Maybe they gave up on me and will leave us both alone for awhile!

Milentry said...
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Ann said...

That really stinks that he had to drive that far only to turn around and go back home

Ann said...

I don't get why some get them all the time and others never get them.

Ann said...

I was wondering the same thing but I'm sure if I tried to use that excuse I wouldn't get away with it

Ann said...

I've never heard of any special jury notices being sent around here. I was hoping they were going to leave me alone now.

CheerfulMonk said...

I've been called several times, once for federal court down in Albuquerque -- about a two hour drive. I was chosen for one trial down there and had to spend the night. Yuck! The period was for two weeks, I think, and one of the trials was in Santa Fe, a lot closer so I thought I could at least drive home every afternoon. Nope, we ended up getting sequestered. I was not sorry when those two weeks were over!

Ann said...

Oh my, I can't imagine having to travel that far and then on the closer one ending up being sequestered.

Lin said...

The name needs to be corrected. I think I would mention that when you go because they make a check out to you for serving at the end of the day. How would you cash that check??

Joe gets called all the time. He may get to questioning, but they never want him because he is in Work Comp and lawyers don't like those guys. They know too much. I guess it depends on the case, but he never passes the questioning.

I get called every couple of years, and I load up on vitamins days before because jury duty here is always a stuffy room with horrible circulation. I always come home with a cold. Ugh. Never got questioned though.

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