Sunday, March 13, 2022

Spring ahead

 Boy do I really hate this day. I've never been fond of losing an hour but I dislike it even more so now that I work on Sunday morning. Normally I start at 5:00 on Sundays but today I'll be starting at 6:00

I don't understand why we still do the time change. 

That snow we had amounted to a few inches. I should have spent the entire day hibernating but I did a Walmart run to get dog food. When I was out my car said that it was 16 degrees. Along with the snow and cold temperature there was a wicked wind. Today is supposed to be a little warmer but not much. At least the high is supposed to above freezing. 

I'm pretty sure that when my work day is done I'll be heading home and landing on the couch for a little nap.


Ginny Hartzler said...

We got a few inches as well, and bitter cold. Wish you could sleep in tomorrow morning! I don't know why we still change the clocks either. Most people do not want it!

Hootin Anni said...

I've written to my senators twice a year for decades about DST. Hoping this will be the last time. Rumor has it that many states are proposing to go DST year 'round. Either way, no time change would make me happy!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I know not one person who likes/loves the time change. maybe the govt is doing it to upset us. lol.. i am freezing reading your temps as I sit here in Fl in my flannel gown and socks that were put away 2 weeks ago when we went to the high 80's every day. it is 41 and the wind howled and storms blew yesterday. the top half of FL is declared by gov emergency disaster from storms and tornados, Lavendar blog is in the worst part of it. we have one more day of cold and back to warm up. hope yours warms up soon

Rose said...

I am hating it too. I just cannot like it. Though I do sometimes feel go one way and stay. But I really want to stay the other time before we went to this.

Carol said...

I truly do not mind the time change. I know most people do not like it, but either way, it is what it is and we must make the best of it. I hope you get to take a nap after work.

Jeanette said...

Ugh! I am so sick of this winter too! Yesterday it was cold and windy and miserable to be outside for even a minute!

betty said...

I am glad we don't change the time in Arizona. It is hard to adjust especially for the working people. I think a nap sounds like a good idea for you after your shift today at work! We had a few windy days last week and it was miserably cold (for us). I can't imagine your temps and then adding the wind to it!


Pam said...

I did not even realize it was this weekend till yesterday afternoon. At least with Lily waking me at 4:30 this morn, it was really 5:30....that will one day soon make a big difference, at least when the body adjust.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a mess! I hope someday they change it one way or the other. Please take care of yourself. ❤️

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about the weather but glad you did get out and run an errand. Yes, the time change is no fun at all. Hope you have a great week.

DeniseinVA said...

We had snow too and it was very windy at times. Today there is none left. I hope you got your well-deserved nap :)

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