Thursday, January 4, 2024

A crafty start

I forgot to mention that on new years day I decided to be a little crafty. I worked on cards for January happy mail and then I did something I haven't done in a while. I played around with paper,
paint, inks and assorted objects to create little art cards. I had no specific plan. I simply started and let it lead me. When I've done this in the past I used index cards.  
The back side before I was completely done.

Each card is only 3.5" x 2.5". I started with a picture from an old calendar. Then I used paint in various colors. I used sponges and other items to add marks. I also used paint pens and stickers. I inked the edges and did a little stamping on the back side. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Color/paint/cut/paste, all the things I loved to do as a child, and still like to do but in software. these are really cute. Love the backside polka dots. you can hand them out to work place people or even a customer now and then

Rose said...

I so love these!

Lori said...

These are so cute. I'm glad you had time to just relax and play around a bit. The results are awesome.

Lin said...

How cool! There was a collage class at the center where I took watercolors. It was a very popular class and what you are doing is very similar to what they were doing. It's good to see you stretching your artist self!

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah Ann what a wonderful way to begin a new year. Your cards look lovely. Hope you are having a great start to 2024. Hugs!

Jeanette said...

Those are so cute! I'm looking forward to my January happy mail!

CrystalChick said...

Hi, Ann. I'm attempting a bit of catch up today (I take way too many breaks these days) and it sure was nice to see your lovely art cards. As a fellow card maker I can appreciate the creativity and various supplies that go into it. Good work, really like the sweet sayings, too!

R's Rue said...

So pretty. Love it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love these! I love the talent you have for creating things like this.

Barwitzki said...

Oh yeah, that was fun... you can tell.
Wonderful. Great idea of ​​yours and I think it was relaxing too.
In any case, you have wonderful cards for every eventuality this year.
I wish you all the best, joy, happiness and health. Viola

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so happy you are doing this! They're not only beautiful, you are bringing joy to the recipients and feeding your soul while making them. ❤️

DeniseinVA said...

That all looks beautiful! You are so talented and you always bring happiness to people who get these.

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