Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A quick craft

 Quite some time ago I had made a cling for a glass block I had. I can't even remember what holiday I had made the first one for. I was going to make one for each holiday/season but never got around to doing it. Recently I decided I would make one for fall

It's hard to reach the brown vinyl with the lights off.

Here's another picture with the lights on and it's much easier to read it.


Ginny Hartzler said...

They are really classy!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I agree with Ginny!

Rose said...

It is amazing the difference the light makes. I really love it.

MadSnapper said...

where do you get the lights for inside? I assume they are battery powered. I love it with the lights on, glass and fairly lights are my thing

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