Sunday, September 29, 2024

Fall decorating part 1 of three

Before I get in to the topic of today's post I wanted to share the message I got yesterday from Sandra a.k.a. Madsnapper. Keep her and all the others who are dealing with this in  your thoughts and prayers.

No power yet and maybe not until tomorrow we're on 38 hours right now who knows when it'll be back on and I'm not doing emails because I'm on my data not Wi-Fi and I only get 25 gigs a month so I'm saving it for answering people if you want to post when you post tomorrow or tell him we're still without power

Now on to today's post.

 I recently took a vacation day to make a three day weekend. The first day was the fair parade and taking Gibbs to the groomer. The second day I spent cleaning my house and putting out all my fall decorations. There's a lot of pictures so I'm going to split this into three posts. 

These are all the pictures of the decorations I put up in the Ann cave. The majority of my decorations are either purchased at Dollar Tree or they are ones that I made.

This one is kind of dark but it's a sign I hung over the tv.

1 comment:

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love them all! But I think my favorite is the big jar with the pumpkin on top. Can't wait to see the rest!!

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