Saturday, April 30, 2011

And so it begins

Duke checked the sun dial in the back yard and he determined that the time was now.

The time has finally arrived to fire up ye old cub cadet,

and push out the craftsman

And he's off.
Mowing season has officially begun. Hooray! There's nothing quite like the smell of fresh cut grass. We won't even complain about the fact that this will also bring on the allergies. Who cares, let them come.


Cindy Caudle said...

I love the smell of fresh cut grass also. I fired up our lawn mower and cut the front yard. The back is had snow on it from yesterday. The front was still wet but I couldn't wait. Yeah spring finally.

Sharkbytes said...

We are not quite ready for that, but the ages of our mowers are comparable- the tractor.

Catherine said...

Now that's the cutest sun dial I've ever seen! :)

Happy Grass Cutting!
xo Catherine

BeadedTail said...

We want a sun dial like that! There's nothing like the smell of fresh cut grass! We have to start mowing in February which makes it seem like forever until spring finally does get here.

Marg said...

That is one wonderful Sun dial. Duke that is such a great picture of you. Nothing better than freshly cut grass if someone else is mowing it. Take care.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Happy 1st grass cutting day!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Happy 1st grass cutting day!

Erika said...

Wow. The only thing we have to cut around here is dry, brown "grass" and lots of weeds. But it will be growing soon enough!

Tanyia said...

Oh my gosh I totally agree! Bring it! I loved it when Marc mowed for the first time last weekend, the smell was amazing and thanks to Claritin I did not feel like I was going to die lol

Ginny Hartzler said...

We had to start mowing several weeks ago. And with all this constant rain, the dandelions are a mile high by the next day! But we don't have a riding lawn mower, you must have quite a bit of land.

booahboo said...

the pic of Duke checking the sun dial is so cute! hehhehee.. The smell of fresh cut grass is always very nice.

booahboo said...

Happy Mayday Ann!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow your grass is GREEN and beautiful. that first shot of the Dukester standing up is awesome. your photos are every bit as good as mine are with what ever camera you are using. I bet Duke loves to run on that grass. i just had to drop down and stare at the photo of duke watching Lola. i love that shot and showed it to hubby. we both love puppies and would like to snuggle Lola up under our chin before she gets to big to snuggle.

Philippa said...

Hooray - no more snow! It's summer time at last ...

Unknown said...

Our little Grayson loves to ride in his mommy's lap when she's mowing, and usually does a better job of supervising than I do. Sigh.

allotments4you said...

I love the smell of fresh cut grass...trouble is it's so long since we saw rain we are getting to the stage where ours lawns resemble barren landscapes as opposed to lush greenery and there is no beautiful aroma of freshly cut grass.. :-(

Out on the prairie said...

I am ready for a third time, humming the Green Acres theme while driving my tractor.

Sandee said...

Yep it's started indeed. I love the shot of Duke. He's loving it too.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Russ said...

Duke is looking good out there. And yes it is great that it is grass cutting time. It is like a jungle around here. They will probably mow this week.

Donna said...

Ain't it great!?

Sheryl Hastings said...

It's happening here as well. Nice of Duke to confirm that for you. I'll bet he had a great time helping, I mean supervising!

Ann said...

Cindy ours was still a little damp too from all the rain we had but it needed to be cut really bad.

sharkbytes you have one of those old guys too huh? I hope you haven't had to sink as much money in to yours as we have into this one

catherine there is even an actual sun dial behind that white fur ball

beaded tail well you may have trouble finding a sun dial with a Duke attached like I've

Marg Wade doesn't mind mowing when he can ride :)

katie it is almost worthy of celebration, and it means summer is on the way

erika I'm sure if summer ever gets here we'll have burnt out grass as well

tanyia thank goodness for Claritin

ginny I've started spotting a few dandelions. the yard isn't huge but it's a nice size

anny he does that a lot, I'm not sure why cuz he can't tell time :)

sandra why thank you, I tend to not see my own work, no matter what it is, as being very good. So silly. Lola is a doll

philippa yes it's wonderful. although I shouldn't cheer to loud because around here you never can be to sure what the weather will do

fishhawk I bet that's a cute site. Do you tend to fall asleep when on supervisory duty? :)

allotments4you we'll most likely get to that but for now it's mighty green around here

out on the prairie LOL, that song pops into my head every now and then.

sandee oh you know it. he loves getting out there and running

russ, ours was starting to resemble a jungle also and since the neighbor cut his, we had to

donna it sure is

sher duke always has a great time. and he's good at letting us know when things need done

jeanlivingsimple said...

Let the Fun begin! I love to mow.:)

Anonymous said...

too cute - love the "sundial" pic :) it really is funny how much westies are similar.

I'll add your blog to my blogroll too :)

tahtimbo said...

Oh no, it has begun :) All the more reason why I am looking into xeriscaping our current lawn (I'm one of the ones who has allergies, so my wife mows the lawn).
Duke, great action shot!

Anne said...

I love how Duke has people to take care of all the menial labor tasks around his house. I want people too.

Ann said...

Jean I don't mind it much myself. It's rather nice sometimes

kdbar it sure is. I know Louis and Duke sure seem a lot alike in so many ways

tahtimbo We both have allergies and we both pretty much suffer all through mowing season but I'll take it over snow

Anne me too. I wonder where I could find some and if they are willing to work for kibble

Unknown said...

Love the first picture of Duke he looks as though he is about to conduct an orchestra. He reminds me of the lovely pictures that you used to see in children's books whenever they did drawings of dogs .... just wonderful!

Ann said...

kloggers now that you mention it he does look like that. Duke is a multi talented pooch :)

DSS said...

It's that time here too! I've had to pay someone to mow the last two weeks, but my mower is finally fixed. YAY! Louis, on the other hand, is not pleased. He is NOT a fan of the lawn mower :(

Ann said...

DSS, aw poor Louis. Duke never really pays much attention to the mower but then not much seems to bother him

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