Friday, April 22, 2011

Bunny invasion

The house is crawling with bunnies these days. It seems like everywhere I look there's another one.
Aside from all the hand made ones there are also flocked bunnies

The extra large outdoor bunny that lights up

and even a cute little bunny dish
I'm sure that if I dug in the box I could probably even find a few more. I think even Duke is starting to resemble a bunny.

I used this picture before (last year I think) but for those of you who are newer around here I'm posting it again.


jeanlivingsimple said...

Ann, I am kinda new so am glad you re-posted that major cute pic of Duke as a bunny. You are bunny rich.:-)
Happy Easter!!!

Julie Harward said...

Love it! Happy Easter to you and Duke..have a great Easter weekend! :D

Catherine said...

Well you know what they say... if you have two rabbits... you will soon have 1 thousand!! :)

And they are so cute ~ especially the last one! :)
xo Catherine

Ginny Hartzler said...

The picture of Duke is of course the best of them all, how very cool!!!! I can see where he may be turning into a bunny, but I hope he didn't hatch that egg!!! Hope you have a great Easter weekend!

BeadedTail said...

Your house is crawling with cute bunnies but of course Duke is the cutest!

Leontien said...

I like the last "bunny" the best!

Have a wonderful Easter!

gayle said...

Cute pictures! I have a bunny or two around my house too!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Just when I think Duke can't be any cuter you show us another adorable shot!

Molly Smith said...

Thanks for the giggle, Ann! Loved looking at what bunnies you have, and the Duke pic was a surprise! lol Sooooo, cute! ~Molly

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Duke with his bunny ears is the cutest bunny you have!!!!! Love him!!!

Happy Easter.

Sharkbytes said...

Duke, you make a darn good bunny!

Beebeebabs said...

OMG Duke look adorable tfs!!!

Anonymous said...

Really like the giant bunny that lights up!

feefioto said...

I don't want to alarm you but it looks like your dog has been getting into the carrots.

Unknown said...

Lovely Ann - and Duke says 'My what big ears I have .. all the better to hear the Easter bunny with!'

Bossy Betty said...

Duke!!! You are such a good sport!

Donna said...

Lolololol... I'll Never tire of seeing The Duke, all dressed up!
Happy Easter friend!

allotments4you said...

Hey Ann, jut been catching up with you after a hectic week. You really do like to decorate for your holidays don't you.....the only one that is made a huge deal of in england is christmas...I can't decide whether we are boring or

It's a wonderful house you grew up in...though technically it's a bungalow...wouldn't it be nice if one day it was up for sale so you could get a really good look inside, I grew up in the house that my parents still live in, I was 22 when I left home so that was a long time but I love the fact that all my memories are in one place...makes for happy times!!

Hope you enjoy your easter break!!

And has your son decided on the puppies name yet?? I really hope he doesn't decided on Lola...I always think of the song when I hear that name and she is too adorable...I do think Daisy suits her though!

Oh and Duke looks great with his Bunny ears!!

Katrin said...

Какая прелесть!

Unknown said...

I am a-tellin' you. If one particular bunny doesn't show-up around here again, there is gonna be trouble!

Jen said...

Are you sure you have enough bunny stuff? *laugh* I love that little plate, though, how cute!

Marg said...

Your bunny stuff is just terrific. Duke you do look cute as a bunny. That picture is really well done. Our Mom needs to learn to do that. Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love bunny duke.. and that dish is really pretty. i missed bunny duke last year but even if i had seen him he is always worth another look. hiipppiyt hopping along now..see ya

Russ said...

Easter is Bunny time. You sure do have a lot of them. The cutest one is the last picture of course. Duke makes a fantastic Bunny.
I hope you have a wonderful Easter.

Ann said...

Duke is a natural in those bunny ears. :D Happy Easter, Ann!

Out on the prairie said...

Duke looks nice in those ears

Sheri said...

I love the bottom bunny the best!

Sandee said...

Has Duke seen this picture? I'm not so sure he's going to like having bunny ears. Just saying.

Have a terrific weekend and Happy Easter. My best to Duke. :)

Lin said...

Hahaha! Duke makes a GREAT Easter Bunny!

Have a Happy Easter Ann and Duke!

Ann said...

Jean there are a few that I was sure weren't around last year at this time and I figured some that had may not have remembered it anyway :)

Julie and a happy Easter to you also

Catherine that's what they tell me and it seems to be quite true :)

ginny no he had a little help with the

beaded tail surprisingly it has more Easter stuff than I've seen in quite a while

Leontien, he's a hit

gayle I forgot I had most of these things.

LDH lol, that's how we keep you all coming back...rofl

molly I had no intentions of putting Duke in the post and then at the last minute I had the idea to use that picture.

betsy he makes a good bunny I think

sharkbytes Duke says thank you so very much and he wants to know if you would like something extra special in your Easter basket :)

beebeebaby, you are welcome and Duke says thanks

grace I must have when I bought it but I haven't had that thing out of the crawl space in ages. I don't know if it even still works

feefioto hee hee, I think he has

kloggers Duke doesn't need to hear any better, he can already hear me getting in to the treat cupboard from the other side of the house

bossy betty maybe not as good as you think, the ears were photoshopped in :)

donna, well we're glad we can entertain :)

allotments4you this is the first I've decorated in years. I've thought how nice it might be to live in that house again. No name that I know of yet on the puppy

katrin :)

fishhawk them sounds like fightin words :)

Jen well apparently when I was in the holiday decorating years I tended to over do things a

marg thanks, and the photoshop stuff is pretty fun most of the time :)

sandra the dish was just another dollar store find too

russ I didn't even realize how many I had

ann looks like they belong there huh?...

out on the prairie he says he's not keeping them

sheri he's very grateful

sandee he says the big ears are very handy, with them no one can sneak a snack without him

Lin I think so too

Donna said...

Hahaha, poor Duke! He deserved extra treats for the abuse, LOL!

Ann said...

Donna, he always gets them, even though for that he didn't feel a thing :)

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