Saturday, April 23, 2011

A perfect Saturday

Did you have a perfect Saturday? I didn't. I had a good day but not a perfect one. If it was perfect I would have accomplished all the things that need to be taken care of. Instead I chose to enjoy the weather a little bit. It actually got up to 75 degrees today.
Duke says it was a perfect day because I grabbed the leash and my camera and said "Come on Duke, we're going for a walk" I did not have to ask him twice.

As we headed down the street I happened to see this lock hanging on a chain link fence. Odd place for a lock but I thought it made for a cool picture.

We saw a horse

and a cat trying to hide from us
silly kitty needs a wider pole if he wants to hide.
Then it was back home to inspect the back yard.
We have a very soggy back yard right now but Duke says it's fun to walk through. I say it makes for lots of muddy paw prints on the floors.


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

We had a dreary, drizzly day but the sun is out now. I played with my camera too, getting some rain droplets on my Redbud tree.

I just had to vacuum and mop the floors after grandkids all week and wet grass clippings from mowing yesterday.

Love the shots you and Duke captured on your walk. Now go wipe your paws, Duke :)

Donna said...

Well at least there's NO Snow! Thank goodness for that!
Interesting walk! Like that lock photo...
Happy Easter Miz Ann!

Out on the prairie said...

The sun has barely peeked at all for days, but I keep staying dry.Have a good Easter.

BeadedTail said...

Looks like a great day to us! The kitty picture is cute! Sadie would love to inspect the water puddle with Duke!

Lin said...

Wasn't it nice to get outside??! :) I actually put some patio furniture out today and some planters and such. I guess I'm getting ready for summer...finally. Hobbes won't come in--he's absolutely refusing. He just loves the yard--like Duke!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

You have a good eye! I like them all, but Duke against that green grass is stunning.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

You have a good eye! I like them all, but Duke against that green grass is stunning.

tahtimbo said...

Wow, 75 degrees! I'm jealous :)
It looks like Duke had a lot of fun. I mean, he got to run around, saw a horse, a kitty, and even got to play in a puddle. What more could a dog want?
Hope you have a terrific weekend!

Anonymous said...

The first shot is a classic and the horse and buggy is way cool!

1stopmom said...

Our Saturday was ok. A little dreary and cool. But hey at least it was now snowing!

I like the picture of the lock on the fence.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Who cares about getting tedius chores and things done when the weather is nice and you can be out living life and snapping it!! The lock DOES make an excellent picture, I never would have thought of that! And the cat trying to hide. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

Duni said...

What an exciting walk! Glad it's warming up over there. I love that photo of the cat!!!

Happy Easter!

Unknown said...

Our Trixie says that she would love to show Duke how to soak up standing water in the backyard and use it to wash the floors in the house.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when i saw the lock I thought my favorite, then i saw the horse and thought my favorite then i saw the CAT and that is my favorite. don't tell duke, because he is always my favorite. I LOVE THAT CAT PHOTO. it is true art.

Ann said...

LDH I did manage to vacuum but when it got to the mopping I just didn't feel like it, oh well, another day :)

donna not even any snow in the forecast for a

out on the prairie it's been very cloudy over the past week, rain mixed in it snowed once or twice too it's been quite a variety

beaded tail I thought of Sadie when we were on our walk and Duke strolled right through the mud :)

Lin it was, it really was :) I never put our table and chairs away last year, so now it's a big clean up.

sharkbytes he sure does stand out doesn't he :)

tahtimbo he was pretty pleased with the day. And the 75 degree weather was heaven

grace every now and then I just like to change the angle. I wanted to get the horse and buggy from the side but the owner of that vehicle was packing up and getting ready to hit the

1stopmom sometimes dreary and cool can be ok as long as it's not snowing and I don't have to go to work :)

ginny obviously I didn't care about the oh well they aren't going anywhere I don't have to worry about someone else taking them

duni the photo of the cat turned out even better than I had hoped for

fishhawk oh boy, sounds like something I DON'T need Duke to learn how to do :)

Sandra Duke will never have to know, besides that's my favorite picture of the 3 also.

Marg said...

Oh Duke, it sure looks like you had a good time. Love all the nice green grass.The horse was cute too. We wanted to wish all of your family a very Happy Easter.

Audrey said...

It's funny how some animals think they are invisible. Rascal (our dog) thinks if she stands really still - we can't see her. What?
Oh well.

Lovely photo's!
Have a wonderful Easter Sunday.

Russ said...

Always nice to go on walks. I forget my camera a lot. Of course that is when the best photo opps pop up.Love to watch Duke prancing around. And I am jealous of your seventy five degrees. Suppose to warm up over here this week.
Have a Wonderful Easter.

Daisy said...

Hippity, hoppity, happy Easter!

Unknown said...

I bet two people had a sound night's sleep last night then?
The horse and cart are wonderful .. makes such a change from all of the cars and lorries on the roads .. nice and peaceful!
At the moment our weather is unusually dry. There have even been fires in Wales - I have never heard of this in April before. The ground is very crusty and my plants are looking quite limp at times even though they are having a watering.

jeanlivingsimple said...

Looks and sounds to me that you did have a "perfect" Saturday!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Easter to you and yours.

Catherine said...

Enjoying a wonderful day outside is a great way to spend the day I think!!!

Happy Easter to you and sweet Duke!
xo Catherine

Sandee said...

Well it looks like it was a perfect day for Duke. Way to go Duke.

Have a terrific day and Happy Easter. My best to Duke. :)

Donna said...

Looked like a great day to get outside and enjoy some fresh air and do a little exploration! Happy Easter to you and Duke!

Ann said...

Marg oh he had a blast, he always does when we go for a walk

audrey lol that's too funny. And do you play along with Rascal. :)

russ oh yes, the photo ops always come up when you don't have the camera. Don't be too jealous, it didn't last, today it's in the 50's

daisy :) and the same to you

kloggers yes we sure did. we see quite a lot of those horse and carts around here

jean pretty close :)

betsy and the same to you

catherine I totally agree

sandee he says it was the best :)

donna it was, rather nice for a change. hope we get more soon

Lynn said...

Horse and buggy was a wonderful surprise! Your other photos were great but my favorite is the horse.

marie said...

Thanks for sharing your walk with us! Love the sights we saw...especially the kitty behind the pole. The colors in that one are great.

I'm with Duke. Puddles are made for walking in!

Tanyia said...

LOVE that horse pic!

allotments4you said...

That is definitely a soggy back lawn!!

Did you really see that horse on your travels?? Looks like something from the Victorian times!!

Tammy said...

Looks like Duke loved his walk. Everything looks so green. We are getting there but not so green yet.

Ann said...

Lynn thanks, I saw it sitting there and I was going to get a shot from the side but the owner was standing there

marie glad you could come along :) I did a little bit of playing around with the colors in the cat picture. I like to think it was an improvement over the original

tanyia, thanks, wasn't exactly what I wanted but I'll take it

allotments4you believe me it gets worse too. Yes we did see the horse. The amish stop at the dollar store quite frequently

tammy he always does. he gets so excited when he sees his leash come out. it's getting greener every day here. I love it

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