Friday, April 15, 2011

The Brenda Photo Challenge (4-16) Spring Easy

It's that time again. Another Brenda Photo Challenge. The topic is "spring easy". Part of the description for challenge stated ".If it Says Spring to you? Photograph it! SO, me Hardies....Lets get to rolling and Remember....Just have FUN with it!"
So I had to do a little searching here but I think I found just a little bit that said spring.
I took a close look at the trees in my back yard and what a pleasant surprise. They are finally waking from their long winter naps.

And here's another one.

I almost missed these. I was so glad I walked to the back of the yard when I saw that little bit of yellow peaking out.

Top left corner is one of those pink tulip bulbs I planted last fall at a neighbors request. You may recall my post about it. If I had more time I would link to it since it's worth reading

I know you're all waiting to hear about the puppy sitting experience but it'll have to wait until tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ann

They are all great Spring photos but I like the yellow flower the best :-)

Take care and have a great weekend :-)

Lin said...

HOoray for Spring and it's flowers!!!

Ann said...

the old geezer, thanks and I like the yellow flower best too

Lin you said it sister :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Ann, your flowers and your photos are beautiful!

BeadedTail said...

I love when Spring comes alive! Can't wait to hear about the puppy sitting though!

Sharkbytes said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy! That first one is superb!

tahtimbo said...

Fantastic photos!! It looks as if Spring has sprung :)
Have a great weekend!

Rick (Ratty) said...

These definitely say spring. Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

Marvelous photos (I remember the story about the pink flowers...)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ann, your photos are really lovely and they all speak to spring. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

Ginny Hartzler said...

What are the first two pictures, they are lovely and so interesting! I don't think I've seen anything like them!

allotments4you said...

Wonderful photos Ann...and I love the way you have layered them for presentation....I wish I could do stuff like this, I'm afraid I'm limited to changing things to sepia or black and

SquirrelQueen said...

You found some beautiful signs of spring, I love the daffodils.

Jen said...

Gorgeous photos (but of course we're not at all surprised, considering the source ;o)

Marg said...

It is so much fun when the blossoms on the bushes and trees pop out. Those are great photos to by the way.
So let's hear about the puppy sitting. Did Duke help??Have a great Saturday.

Jeanette said...

Great macro shots!

Out on the prairie said...

Very nicely done Ann, spring is coming on strong

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy you "found spring' in your yard, it is all lovely. phooey on waiting until tomorrow for the puppy story. i am waiting... but not patiently.

Ann said...

LDH thanks, I can't wait to start seeing more

beaded tail me too and I promise puppy sitting story is next

sharkbytes thanks, I was thrilled to start seeing something

tahtimbo finally :)

ratty they may not be speaking real loud yet but at least they're

grace thanks. Only one of the two bulbs that I planted is coming up. I was a little disappointed but happy that at least one of them grew.

mary thank you very much

ginny those are trees in my back yard. Would you believe that for as long as I've been here I couldn't even tell you what kind of trees they are..

allotments4you thanks. I fussed with the layered picture not really liking the placement and finally just gave up and said good

squirrel queen yes I did finally. I was thrilled when I saw the daffodils. I didn't even know there were any planted there

jen aw thanks, you are too kind

marg it sure is, kind of gives you a little burst of energy seeing it. puppy story coming next

jeanette thanks

out on the prairie hooray for spring

sandra I'm happy too. At least you admit that your aren't be patient about the

Russ said...

The Daffodils are beautiful. One of the first real signs of spring. We had some inside this year and will be transplanting the bulbs.
As usual all your pictures are wonderful. Looking forward to hearing about the puppy sitting.

Unknown said...

Well, I've come to, but all I see is a bunch of flowers and stuff. Am I buried out in some garden?

Donna said...

These are Beautiful Ann! I also am in love with the yellow ones! They're ALL gorgeous and it's hard to pick a favorite one!!
Happy weekend!
(yes, wanting to know about puppysitting too!Hahaaa)

Donna said...

Hahaha, you DID find spring! I bet you are celebrating! These photos are just beautiful. Love the compositions and depth of field control on the closeups.

Christmas-etc... said...

Hi Ann!
what a joy to find such color after a LONG WINTER!!

Audrey said...

Those are beautiful!!! Wish it looked like that here - got 2 inches of snow yesterday :(
Your post does make my day so much brighter though!
Thanks for posting the beautiful flowers :)

booahboo said...

spring has finally dawned on you and no more with the snowy white at least till next winter :)

lovely pictures today.. the closeups are superb!

GypsyFarmGirl said...

Love your Spring pictures! Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers and always bring hope that spring is coming soon. I love the first shot of the tree blooms too!

Molly Smith said...

Gorgeous photos Ann! So happy you are seeing spring :) ~Molly

Brenda said...

Your Spring shots are awesome. Isn't it just so exciting to watch the trees and plants wake up?

Carletta's Captures said...

Lovely shots!
My favorite is whatever that first red bloom is - gorgeous! I beautifully captured image.

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