Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Getting to know you

Something a little different today. If this goes well maybe I'll even do it again. I found a list of 200 Not-boring questions to get to know someone better. Today I'll do the first 5 on the list and answer them. If you want you can also answer in the comment section. I've added random pictures throughout the post just to break up all the words. No connection between the pictures and the text.

1) What's your favortie way to spend a weekend?
Since I don't really have a weekend any more this is hard to say. I tend to stay home more often than not but I enjoy going to craft shows, or browsing craft stores, thrift shops or antique stores.

2) What kind of music are you into?
I like a little bit of everything and the type of music depends on my mood. I suppose my favorite would be good old classic rock and roll

3) What's the best vacation you ever took and why?
This would have to be the family vacation we took when I was in 2nd grade. We went to Mexico to visit the family of a foreign exchange student we had. The tour of the Myan ruins is what I remember the most but there were other sites we saw as well. It's a trip I could appreciate much more now but it was a memory to last a life time

4) Where's the next place on your travel bucket list and why?
I'm boring, I don't have a travel bucket list or any other kind of bucket list. Since I live alone I don't really have any travel plans in the future.

5) What are your hobbies, and how did you get into them?
If you know me you know I love crafting. I'm not stuck on any one kind, I just love them all. I suppose it was my grandmother who inspired me to create. She was always sewing or making something.


CheerfulMonk said...

I'll answer the weekend one. I'm retired and the weekends are mostly like the weekdays -- puttering around, writing a blog post, learning new things. A lot of people would think it's boring, but I love it and have no desire to travel.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the last picture, it is gorgeous! And the awesome photo of YOU!! I knew the answers to two of these, and really enjoyed reading them all. My answer is exactly the same as yours for the music question and the travel plans!! So we have even more in common than I knew, neat!

Grace said...
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Hootin Anni said...

1-weekends (retirement: every day is a weekend)
2-music (classical & oldies but goodies)
3-vacation (so many favorites: tropics it's a toss up between Hawai'i and Jamaica - I think my favorite would be a month in the Washington D C area...I was single & saw just about everything.) 4- bucket list trip (No plans for travel any more.
5-hobbies (painting, drawing, crafts, birding, and reading.)

Ps...loved your images shared too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am with you, we have a weekend but don't know it. 7 days a week is our week end.. good idea on the questions. our favorite vacations were twice a year to Ormond Beach for 3 days each time. room right on the beach.. we went in May and Oct... the most fun we had on one of those was when Biketoberfest fell on the time we went. think Harleys Every Where. that was a blast. no bucket list, not a traveler.. I have a list if I get the money. a new smart phone, new desk top... I rather have that for my 7 day weekends

Marg said...

I am with you. The whole week is like a week end. Do whatever I want to do. Loved the answers and especially the pictures. I think the questions are terrific. Have a super day.

Rose said...

I enjoyed reading these...will see what I can answer.

Our weekends are pretty much the same as the rest of the week...with the occasional visit from our granddaughter or other daughter coming to sew. I do try to avoid shopping on weekends but occasionally find myself at Walmart before I realize it is a weekend. NOT fun then.

I like a bit of everything music. I don't listen to it like I used to...I like to have it blasting as I clean house but since Roger is here, he does not enjoy that. LOL

I have never really traveled much...so don't really have a special memory. and as for travel bucket list, don't have one either...couldn't if I tried. Roger does not feel like traveling far from home.

I love quilting...my mom was a quilter and I cannot remember a time when I did not love it. But for all that love, I sure have not accomplished much. I also LOVE photography. It is like my mind used to be always on those two subjects.

And when I had a nicer body I used to like to make the occasional clothing item...now all I make is pjs. I forgot to say that hearing a sewing machine is music to my ears.

Grace said...
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Lin said...

Do you remember when we'd all do these question things back in the good old days of LOTS of blogging? I liked to read the answers of all the others.

I'll play along:
I like a chill weekend. Maybe hanging with friends for dinner/cards/games and then just relaxing on the couch with Joe and the kitties.

Music: I like old stuff like Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra mixed in with today's hits. We listen to Pandora's "Hipster Cocktail HOur" which has a nice mix of old and new.

Best Vaca: Hands down..our camping trip to The Black Hills in So. Dakota. BEAUTIFUL country.

Next trip: I don't know. I have some medical things going on, so I think dream trips may be just that.

Hobbies: Anything creative.

Grace said...

I just re-read and then deleted my comments - because they made not one iota of sense! Sorry for making your comments section look messy. I'll go away and be quiet now.

Ann said...

CheerfulMonk, I look forward to my weekends and weekdays all being the same.

Ginny, thanks. Glad to hear we have lots in common

Grace, I have to agree with you, I thought the questions were boring too. I was expecting something a little more out of ordinary. Please don't go away and be quiet, I love hearing what you think :)

Anni, Hawaii has always been a dream vacation but I doubt I will ever make it there

JoyfulHomemaker, thanks

Lin, chill weekends are the best. I agree on the hobbies, if it's creative I like it

Sandee said...

1) What's your favorite way to spend a weekend?
Boating of course.

2) What kind of music are you into?
Rock and roll, but I like many different kinds of music.

3) What's the best vacation you ever took and why?
A cruise to the Caribbean. I got to meet Sarge Charlie and his lovely wife Miss Bee. Sarge Charlie has since passed away.

4) Where's the next place on your travel bucket list and why?
Hubby and I have a road-trip this summer. Going to lots of different places but Jackson Hole, Wyoming is the centerpiece.

5) What are your hobbies, and how did you get into them?
Boating and more boating.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Reeni said...

Thanks for sharing!! I've been sick for months and that's been my life so I don't have any good answers for most of these. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Weekend: Being retired it's not much different than the other days!
Music: Smooth Jazz
Vacation: Europe for 3 weeks
Next Travel: Would like to see my dad in Florida.
Hobbies: Nothing right now except for bowling.

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