Tuesday, March 10, 2020

New meds

My right arm has been hurting for a while. It probably started last fall and like most aches and pains any more, I assume it's just more arthritus. I kept ignoring it. It's gotten worse and now I'm finding it more difficult to do certain things so it was time to call the doctor. Her diagnosis is that it's an inflamation from bursitis. She prescribed a 6 day pill pack to see if that works and she also changed my prescription for my arthritus. That one I can't take until after I finish the pill pack.

She talked about side effects and said that it will make me cranky and that I should warn those I love that it's the meds. She also suggested that I take this opportunity to tell off people I don't like because I can blame it on the meds. Have I mentioned that I like her?

So when I first got there, 3 other women were in the waiting room. I pulled out my kindle to read but the one kept yacking away I couldn't concentrate on what I was reading. Then she sat there and took off her shoes, removed her socks and put them in her purse then put her shoes back on. One of the other women with her was coughing her lungs out. The yacky lady asked if she should get her a mask. In my brain I was saying "ya think?"  Thankfully they got called in just a few minutes later.

And that was my day off.


Rose said...

Nit a moment too soon! But then I always wonder what people think if Roger and his chronic cough...it sounds awful. But nothing works...can find nothing that is the cause. He has been to Drs galore ....and no one can find a reason.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Oh my, side effects don't sound good. Have you looked into natural, alternative ways of dealing with this? Praying you will get some relief. ~ FlowerLady

Kate said...

Good of the Dr. to warn you of the side effects. Hopefully the meds work.

Gayle said...

Ann, you sound a bit cranky - just kidding. Hope the pain eases soon.
I went for lab work yesterday and a woman called someone to ask when she ate that cabbage the previous night because she was supposed to be fasting. She spoke loudly as if no one else was in the room. (eyes rolling)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have always had such good results from prednisone, it was worth the side effects, but it did not make me cranky, at least you will not be taking it for 6 days? i think that is what mine was. that drug is a wonder drug, it works on just about everything.. praying the bursitis inflammation will be gone in a few days. everyday is and adventure when we come in contact with other humans.. i once listened for 20 minutes in a doctors office, to a woman having a screaming fight with her grown dauther on the phone. i wanted to say hang up or go outside.

Sandee said...

Hope this works for you. I also want to know how many people you tell off and then blame it on the medicine. Love it.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Susan said...

I had to take that same medicine the first of the year because of an ear infection. I remember warning my husband about me being cranky and I he gave me lots of space! :) I hope it helps your pain.

Marg said...

Sure hope it helps. My cats get that medicine. They never got cranky but then who would know. Have a good day Ann.

Ann said...

Gayle, LOL fortunately for everyone I work with it hasn't made me cranky. I hate when people talk on their phones like that

Sandee, me too. So far I haven't told anyone off but I still have a few days left...lol

Susan, According to the doctor it's used for a lot of things and works great

Marg, well it's good to know it doesn't make cats cranky.

CheerfulMonk said...

Good luck! I'm glad it seems to be working, but what crazy patients in the waiting room.

Dr Sonia S V said...

Hehe you have a sweet doctor...I usually warn my patients about the hunger!!

Lin said...

Sorry about your arm. I would think NOT taking the medication would make one cranky, not the other way around. I hope you are feeling better soon. Hard to work while you are in pain.

WTH is with those two?? Taking off her socks in the doctor's office? Why do people behave as if they are in their own living rooms?? It's crazy. And disgusting.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Love your doctor...

Sounds like my new-ish one as well, who liked and laughed when I tried to avoid her a few weeks ago - ended up that what we are doing for my new issues are okay. That she will check at the six month point which is still some time away that all is cranking well internally. As far as she could tell from my outer signs, all is well as can be.
Doctor: Anyone that says differently, have them report to me

Ann said...

CheerfulMonk, it takes all kinds I guess...lol

Sonia, I really like this one. I've had others with no personality and they never seemed to listen to what I said. This one isn't like that at all

Lin Yeah really, I've been kind of cranky because my arm has been hurting...lol So far I haven't had a problem with side effects. I totally agree on the people in the waiting room too

Catherine it's always nice to have a doctor you can relate to

Reeni said...

I hope this helps!! Being in pain sucks!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, the waiting room is always a side show at the circus!
I hope the medication helped.

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