Sunday, March 29, 2020

I got nothing

I spent the entire day off trying to find some motivation. I've got none of that and I've got no ideas for a post. 

I did see a male and a female cardinal land in the tree in my front yard. They stayed a while before flying off but I didn't bother to try and get the camera. I knew they would be gone before I got back.

Time to dig through the archives and give you a Gibbs fix


The Feminine Energy said...

Gibbs always fits the bill in my book!! I don't have much motivation either, kiddo. I think it's the situation the world finds itself in, don't you? I'm trying to be excited that spring is here but.... well.... it's hard. Keep your chin up, Ann! Love, Andrea xoxo

Ginny Hartzler said...

Halloweeny Gibbs! But my favorite is the Gorgeous Gibbs in his second photo. A real beauty! LOOK at those eyes!

CheerfulMonk said...

We always love pictures of Gibbs!

Anni said...

Gotta love it when we get a Gibbs fix! 2nd one from the top is favored!

Kate said...

We can never see too much of Gibbs. Lack of motivation seems to accompany the social distancing - odd, isn't it.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That's a cute funny! Give that sweet dog a hug today! Take care of yourself!

Jeanette said...

Love that last one! Very cute!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can't wait to use the barking dog on bob... he yelled at big today and I said you are wasting your breath, now I can say he thinks you are barking with him. I am trying to train bob to use one word commands, it works but he is harder to train that Big is... when walking and he wanders off the path, a simple firm COME and it works. bob talks to him like a person, damn it Big come on.... Big lays down. if I say Come he comes. how simple is that. I love that framed photo of Gibbs

Rose said...

Oh, you cracked me and Roger both up with that Cool we are both barking. That is so true I think.

Love the Gibbs fix...not sure which I like best. He would probably hate me cause I would just want to hug him so bad and I don't think he would go for it.

Forsythia said...

Gibbs is just the cutest.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Gibbs mug shots cheer us - and you have to decide which one - don't worry if the same ones appear - it's the idea, of seeing.

It's interesting that at the beginning of this "all" we were trying to inspire people to "make things" and all that guff, then we all seemed to fall down "the rabbit hole" and it's become quite difficult to think of "making decorative stuff" or "finishing of things in the WIP pile" or even considering "spring cleaning everything"

Thanks for sharing Gibbs with from New Zealand

Ann said...

Andrea, I hope that's the reason for my lack of ambition. I need to get myself going and get things done around here.

Ginny, yes, that one is an oldie but a goodie

CheerfulMonk, I think my posts that include Gibbs always get the most

Anni dogs and babies are always winners :)

Cynthia, thanks. I wish I could say he was a perfectly behaved dog too but his cuteness is his strong point

Catherine I'm sure I'll duplicate pictures of Gibbs a With all that is going on it is hard to think about making things.

Pam said...

Gibbs is just so cute and I totally love the meme.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Gibbs is always adorable and fun to see.
When you find the motivation send some over to me.

Reeni said...

Hi Gibbs! I missed your cute face and beautiful eyes!!

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