Monday, March 23, 2020

How bored are you?

I am so bored that I even cooked a boring breakfast. Allow me to eggs plain.

I am so bored that I was making obscence statements in American sign language. That's what happens when I'm left to my own deaf vices.

I am so bored that I made a gif from really bad cell phone pictures of Gibbs.

I think the worst part is that there are plenty of things that I can do but I don't want to do any of them. I could have used this time wisely but instead I watched obscene amounts of tv and napped a lot. I think I'm almost glad that I have to go to work tomorrow.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the Gibbs video! In my opinion, your days off and birthday should be spent doing only what you feel like. And if you wanted to lounge around and rest, that is GREAT! Too many people think they should have to be doing something every hour of the day. Not true, especially if you work full time.

Anni said...

You go girl!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Hey, are you trying to top Big Boy with the puns. he he he.. I did laugh, that filled 30 seconds of boredom. I am bored and I never get bored. it is because I am doing what I always do but I can't do anything else IF I want to.. what usually doesn't bore me does now. it is all in my head. sorry your minvacation was spent inside. looks like Gibbs is happy in his video

Marg said...

We think the video is terrific. The Mom here has also been watching way too much TV. Have a great day.

Forsythia said...

Not bored yet. Just got out a jigsaw puzzle. The dining room table will not be used for a family Easter dinner this year.

Jeanette said...

I'm glad to come to work every day too! I was beginning to go stir crazy at home this weekend!

Lin said...

I'm not really bored as much as just lethargic. I have LOTS to do...including work, but I don't feel like it. We have been getting out to walk on the trail and that helps, but I am just sick of hearing about THE VIRUS all. the. time.

Rose said...

And as I have told Sandra before:

And we'll have phun, phun, phun
Till Daddy takes the T-bird away!

Or as in our case, we have to stay home. I am not doing bad cause it is a relief to not have to go every day, but Roger sure misses going out for breakfast.

You could post a daily picture of Gibbs and we would all enjoy it...he is just the cutest!

I am not liking the uncertainty of everything...that hits me worse at night.

Pam said...

There are just some days that NO matter what you have you could be doing, it just don't peak your interest and being bored seems to be the way to go. Personally though, I tend to get mad at myself at the end of the day when I have done nothing all day. With Fibro there are a lot of do nothing days and then at the end of the day.....I am disappointed in myself. But...other days, I rather sit on the internet in front of the tv.

Gayle said...

Oh Ann, I hope you have perked up.
Two things:
A few years ago as a new retiree I felt the same. All the things I thought I would catch up on suddenly no longer called to me and besides now it could wait until tomorrow anyway. I found that developing a flexible routine helped and I stick to my 'first thing in the morning' habits.
And there is a meme going around all about the staying home etc. Then it says as an Introvert, I've been practicing for years.
I got a kick out of it because as a confessed introvert I have been practicing for quite some time. I'll never forget when I discovered the meaning of introvert. What a relief to know I was quite normal in my own zone.

Ann said...

Ginny, the problem is that lounging around doing nothing isn't what I want to do. I wanted to go out and do stuff whith my time off and I can't.

Anni, :)

Marg, I'm getting rather bored with tv

Cynthia, I wish I had a jigsaw puzzle. I would pull that out right now

Lin, that's how I am, lots to do but don't want to do any of it. Glad you are getting out. I should have gone for a walk or something

Pam, and that's exactly how I've been these last 4 days and I also get mad at myself for not accomplishing anything

Joyful homemaker, glad you liked it.

Gayle I'm a bit of an introvert myself and normally enjoy being by myself but I think I'm feeling very isolated right now with not being able to go places if I want to

CheerfulMonk said...

Don't be hard on yourself, it's a big adjustment and a disappointment that you can't use your free time going out and having fun. You're not alone in this.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

maybe it's like a "teething" time, you are waiting for the pain/anger and inconvenience of not being able to get stuck into something.

there were lots of things I realised I just could NOT do, BECAUSE.

And that has meant, must find a way around XYZ and realising I didn't have to RUSH at any of it because there are many solitary hours of the day to fill in...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Let me tell you that being retired for a number of years (some were because I couldn't work anymore with my COPD) I end up not accomplishing anything most of the time. I hate myself for that. I need a schedule like Sandra does each week and actually do it!

Reeni said...

I understand your boredom!! I didn't know you could make your own gifs I'll have to start doing that. :)

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