Thursday, March 17, 2022

happy Saint Patrick's Day

I kind of messed this up. I should have saved the leprechaun project for today, and yesterday should have been Pioneer Woman Wednesday.

Oh well, I'll do Pioneer Woman Thursday this week.

These are the dishes I have.

When Wade and I got married and combined households, he came with a set of plain white dishes. When I got these he didn't like them and wouldn't eat off of them. When we had dinner, mine was served on my pretty Pioneer Woman plates and his was on his plain white plates.


betty said...

Those plates of the Pioneer Woman's are very nice looking! That is cute how you and Wade used different plates for eating!! When we got married we didn't chose a china pattern or the like or even really buy dishes. Most were things hubby had as he had lived on his own before we got married and I hadn't. We still eat off of white Corelle plates to this day, almost 42 years later!


Rose said...

They are beautiful...i have white corelle plates, but also have some dishes with roosters and some with apples.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These plates are Pioneer Woman? I don't remember ever seeing them, and I have looked through all of her things. So this is one that I missed!! Keep up with your Pioneer Woman things, I love it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have never seen this color, i thought they were all the bright ones like your cups. these are pretty. Bob would not even notice the plate. I make his plate and sit it in front of him. If I rememberm today I will use the other pattern i have and see if he notices.

Jeanette said...

Isn't it funny how men can be? I do like those Pioneer Woman dishes.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

🍀💚🍀Happy St. Patrick's Day!!🍀💚🍀

Sandee said...

Beautiful dishes. I eat off those.

Have a fabulous St. Patrick's Day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are so pretty. I love them!

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