Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Another update

 My eye was worse yesterday so I went to the ER. That doctor took a better look and said there was a scratch.  He gave me a different prescription and he also gave me a card for an eye doctor he said he wants me to call. 

It's still hard for me to look at a computer screen for very long so I'm not reading blogs and only answering a couple emails. 

Be back when I can.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry it took two visits to find what was wrong, hope the new RX is helping with the pain and will clear up the vision. missing you tons and tons

Sandi said...

Take it easy. Let it heal.

Get well soon! 🌸

Rose said...

Take care of yourself...will see you when we see you.

Hootin Anni said...

Don't read this....just heal!!!

Sandee said...

You just take care of that eye. Healing hugs coming your way.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

The Feminine Energy said...

I scratched my eye one time, with the edge of a dollar bill of all things. The eye doctor told me that the three worst things to jab your eye with are paper, stems from things like fruit & leaves, and fingernails. Anyway, my eye doctor gave me topical eye drops to apply to my eye and he also put a patch over the scratch...similar to contact lens...in order for the wound to heal. He said if the patch wasn't there, I'd scrape off the scab one time when I blinked and the healing process would have to start all over again. So if I were you, I'd see an opthamologist or optometrist as quickly as you can, Ann. You need a specialist looking at your eye. I'm praying for you! ~Andrea xoxo

Nancy's Notes said...

I'm so sorry! Having eye issues is just the worst, rest and take care. I'll be praying for you, Ann!

betty said...

That was what I was worried about with a possible scratch. I'm glad you sought another opinion and hopefully will get to see the eye doctor soon. In the meantime please do rest your eye! No need to email me a response to my comment :)


The Happy Whisk said...

Oh my gosh. Feel better soon. Glad you went back for another look.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm so sorry about your eye. I'm glad you went to the ER and I hope you follow up with the doctor he suggested. Take care. ((Hugs))
I figured that your eye was the reason for your ER visit.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I was so worried about you, and am so glad you let us know. I was just telling The Mad One that if we haven't heard from you, it must be something bad. I do so much hope the eye doctor will see you soon. Did the scratch go through the cornea? Give us all the details whenever you are able.

CheerfulMonk said...

Good luck, take care.

HappyK said...

Take care of your eye first and we will see you when you get back!

DeniseinVA said...

You know, my husband had a scratched cornea years ago and it took a couple of visits for them to figure it out. Eventually an expert picked up on it right away. I feel for you. Hope it heals quickly.

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