Sunday, May 1, 2022

Tiny little flowers

Wow, here we are starting May already. This year sure is going by fast.

 I've got more from the back yard today. There were several patches of these tiny little flowers growing. They were really quite pretty.

For some reason they reminded me of little tiny pansies. Using Google Lens however, I discovered this is Slender Speedwell or Veronica filiformis. 

Here's one with my thumb to show you just how tiny these little flowers are.


Ginny Hartzler said...

They are miniature beautiful miracles. And they look pretty much like what is on our yard. Ours are called Persian Speedwell, and now I wonder if they are the same thing as yours. I need to research.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Our Persian Speedwell is also called Veronica Speedwell, I bet they are the same flower....maybe.

betty said...

I am not familiar with Google Lens. Is it a special app for the phone? Those flowers are very pretty and dainty looking! I do not believe they grow here in Arizona :)


CheerfulMonk said...


Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

how splendid to have them just "glowing" and saying "hello it's nearly summer"

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty, but a weed. I'd be out mowing. lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are growing here in some of the yards Beau and I walk by. so tiny its hard to get a photo of them. I love weeds.. and have been known to transplant them into pots. I love google lens. I use it for everything from ID bugs to flowers to dogs and cats.. it works on desk top, laptop, chromebook and phone. woo hoo thank you google

The Feminine Energy said...

Those tiny delicate flowers are my favorite too... even though some call them "weeds". Lots of my favorite flowers are weeds! ~Andrea xoxo

Jeanette said...

Those sure are cute! Yes, they remind me of little pansies too!

Pam said...

Nice to see grass and blooms at your place, NO SNOW! Spring has arrived.

DeniseinVA said...

I see these little blooms in our area and you have captured them beautifully!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are so tiny and absolutely beautiful.

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