Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Back to Mother's day

Today I'm going to take a quick trip back to Mother's Day. You know that I had to work but that's nothing new. I always work on Mother's Day. The day wasn't a total loss. A co-worker came in and gave me a carnation, the boss gave me a plant and my daughter and her husband stopped over and gave me a Pioneer Woman planter and a garden flag.  
In addition to that Wade's youngest son had sent me a Mother's Day card in the mail and then texted me Sunday morning. My son couldn't be bothered with coming to see me but sent the obligatory text message. 
On another note, the other day Anni commented that said I think I left a comment earlier! Did it end up in your spam folder?!!

Well, I went and looked and sure enough, not only was her comment in spam but so were several others. I have no idea why that happened. Had Anni not said anything I never would have noticed.



Ginny Hartzler said...

WHY would some comments be in Spam? And why some, but not others? A huge mystery. BUT, I bet The Mad One will know! Your daughter really knows what you like!

betty said...

That is such a pretty color for the carnation! Sweet of your boss getting you a plant too! I like the flower pot and the flag from your daughter/SIL! Seems like it was a relatively nice Mother's Day. If is is any consolation, I didn't hear from either of my kids for Mother's Day. I wasn't expecting my daughter to do anything but was a bit surprised about my son. Usually I get a text. I did get a text from my DIL so maybe that counted as his text too, lol :) It was the first Mother's Day he hasn't had to work in years so I'm glad he was able to spend it with his family :)

I wish Blogger would fix whatever is going on about the comments. I'm glad I get an email notification of a comment left so that when I go to answer it on the blog and it is not there, I go to look to see if it is marked as spam. So frustrating!


Hootin Anni said...

I have FOUND MANY in the spam folder AND this anonymous crapola is another blogger glitch!!!
Aside from work, you had a good day!!!

Donna said...

Girl! You racked up on the goodies! Love the planter!
And don't worry...My son called...he hasn't been home in ages.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am still having comments go to spam, about 3 to 10 a day and I get the email saying they commented but they are in spam. I check it daily now. also have 2 people who comment every day but do not get an email that they commented and they do post. the whole thing is crazy.
I love the flower pot and flag... will you put the pretty plant in the flower pot or get something else?
I got a text from son and a text from his wife. the others nothing but that does't bother me because i don't do anything for them either. to me you had a really good mothers day...

Rose said...

That carnation is beautiful... and love that planter. I am getting comments on my spam folder, too. I have no idea why.

Jeanette said...

That's really strange about the comments! Looks like a nice Mother's Day after all!

The Feminine Energy said...

Yeah, I think blogger is acting up something fierce! I'm glad you found the "spam" messages. Mine was probably one of them too.

It sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Yeah, my son couldn't be bothered with coming over either, despite the fact that his wife wasn't home all weekend (she went down south to be with her mother at their lake house). So my son had all the time in the world to come by and bring me a $1 cup of coffee from McDonald's & say "Happy Mother's Day, Mom". But he has no problem calling me when he's been drinking at 10pm, to see if I'll come get him & bring him back to my house to visit for awhile....and then run him home again at 3am! *sigh* We're in the same boat, kiddo. We just have to concentrate on the folks that DID wish us a Happy Mother's Day... and forget about those that couldn't be bothered.

~Andrea xoxoxo

Sandi said...

Beautiful pot! Pioneer Woman uses those bright colors. Love them!

That is sad about the Spam folder. People could think no one wished them a Happy Mother's Day. 💙

Sandee said...

You have a wonderful Mother's Day, well except for having to work. Love the platter.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are such nice gifts you received. The Pioneer Woman items are so nice. Yes, comments have been and issues this week!!!

HappyK said...

Lovely gifts. I love carnations and the planter is beautiful.
I've had comments from people show up in my span too, but I check it every day so just publish it.

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely! As for the comments going into spam, I have been having this problem for over a week now. I always check each day and earlier found 4 comments in my spam folder. Things are a bit wacky right now! Hopefully it will be sorted out soon.

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